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Everything posted by GilbertBowhuntr

  1. GilbertBowhuntr

    How do you hunt the Kaibab?

    Hello, So, from reading the threads and listening and spending a day on the plateau, I sure wish I had read the parts about the purple flowers and the buck brush. Thanks for that information BOHNTR, So, here is the deal my son and I have 2 archery Deer tags for the early hunt in 12A &12B. I take it on opening day AUG 22, 2014 there will be 698 other ready and roaring Bow hunters doing the same thing trying to hunt the water tanks sit in blinds and climb that tree stand to get a shot. From all I've read about the heard I get it they may be in trouble and for that I'm sad, however my son and I have never arrowed a Buck and if we are lucky enough to come into bow range of a 2-3 year old buck will this just add to the problem. I gotta be honest and I'm sure you can all agree when your out there hunting you have to have the right amount of skill and well face it LUCK. I'm not going to sound cocky but if we get a shot at a buck we are going to take it. Also, since we have 2 tags we can be selective on the second one but that first buck in range is gonna get a Thunder head 125 his way. Just below that blow down tank area is a spot called bear lake I was wondering BOHNTR have you had any luck finding some bucks in that area. Also, there is a photo you posted with 2 bucks one bedded and one standing next to the lupine flowers, any chance you have the LONG. and LAT. for that spot I have it around 112.30 and 36.42.. Not asking for your secrets just a general spot that may lead that way. I appreciate all the information.