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Everything posted by DAS

  1. DAS

    Fun hunt down south!

    Awesome! Congrats.
  2. Saw this deer yesterday but couldn't get to him, so we set up in a different spot this morning and waited for him to feed over the ridge twords us. Worked out perfect. 275 yards.
  3. DAS

    National Dog Day

    Thank you. He's 4 months old. Can't wait to get out in the field with him and shoot some birds.
  4. DAS

    National Dog Day

    Great pics, Drake looks like an awesome dog. Here's a few of my new best friend.
  5. Awesome pic! Can't wait to get my pup in the field. Here he is practicing in the yard.
  6. Glad your dog is ok! My new gsp pup got attacked by bees earlier this summer. Luckily I was able to give him benadryl almost immediately after and got him to a vet for treatment. We were 40 minutes away(longest 40 mins of my life). I hate all the snakes, toads, and bugs that can harm our dogs, seems like you never see them till it's too late.
  7. DAS

    Late Coues 2014

    Very cool buck. Congrats.
  8. DAS

    looking for a new release

    +1 for Scott itty bitty goose, awesome hunting release.
  9. DAS

    Wtt: 25/06 Ruger

    PM sent
  10. That's my favorite way to cook them too. A fresh jalapeno is also good instead of the green chili.
  11. I love shooting doves. Can't wait. They're teasing me at my place too.
  12. DAS

    This post is for the dogs

    Thanks. He's from Desert Point.
  13. DAS

    This post is for the dogs

    My new gsp Cinco (see the 5 on his side in the last pic?)Just brought him home last night. He's awesome!
  14. Clean it when accuracy drops off. With my factory barrel Remington 700 7mm mag it takes a couple fouling shots to get settled in then it's good to about 120 rounds. Two years ago I hunted with about 100 rounds down the tube since last cleaning.I don't believe cleaning your barrel is as important as some people think it is, unless your particular rifle needs it.
  15. DAS

    A few Items for sale

    I'll take the quiver.
  16. DAS

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    Awesome build. The paint job turned out sweet!
  17. DAS

    2015 big coues buck

    Awesome buck! Congrats
  18. DAS

    my 2015 coues deer!

    Awesome buck! Congrats.
  19. DAS

    vortex warranty

    Two years ago before my dec whitetail hunt my scope quit tracking properly. This was less than a week before the start of the hunt. I called Vortex and explained the urgency of the situation. They overnighted me a new scope ( took two days) and they sent me a shipping label to return the bad one. This was just a crossfire II so not sure if they would do this for any model, but they sure took care of me. Also just two weeks ago I called them because I lost the lens covers for my binos. They sent me new ones and in the package with them was a free beanie. I thought that was pretty cool. Vortex does a great job of taking care of their customers.
  20. DAS

    Luckiest kid ever.

    Awesome! Congrats!
  21. DAS

    2015 buck is down for the count

    Amesome buck! Congrats.
  22. DAS

    2015 desert mule deer

    Nice buck! Congrats