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Everything posted by DAS

  1. DAS

    Glock 21

  2. DAS


  3. DAS

    Remington. ADL 30 06

    Pm sent
  4. DAS

    Revolver for sale

    Uberti 1873 S.A. Cattlemen .45lc, 4.75" barrel (Colt 1873 saa replica) Gun is brand new in box, unfired $425 May consider trades for other guns but would rather have the cash. Located in sierra vista, but could probably meet in Tucson.
  5. DAS

    Revolver for sale

    I'll consider it. Pm me some pics and more info.
  6. DAS

    Revolver for sale

    Will do. Thanks for the interest.
  7. DAS

    Custom Remington 700

    Trued Remington 700 BDL .264 Win Mag Lothar Walther barrel Harrell's Precision muzzle break Timney Calvin Elite Trigger Graytan firing pin Tactical bolt knob 20 moa rail H.S. Precision stock All metal cerekoted black $2250 This gun has been proven to 1000 yards Will provide load data with sale. I'm posting this for a friend, for more information please call 520-249-7439 Scope, rings, and bipod not included.
  8. DAS

    Vortex Viper 15x50hd

    Vortex Viper 15x50hd $500 Removed from box for pics, otherwise brand new. Willing to trade up for some good 10x42's. Will entertain other trades as well. Located in Sierra Vista but could probably meet in Tucson.
  9. DAS

    2 Custom Rifles and Gear

    What's the barrel profile and round count on the 260?
  10. I'm in. Rifle: Remington 700 tactical .223 Factory trigger set at 3lbs EGW base, Weaver tactical rings, Right now it has a 4-12 vortex crossfire but I've been saving for an upgrade so it might get a new scope before I shoot. Load: Federal brass CCI 400 26.1 varget 69 smk
  11. Remington 700 long range in 25-06. Add an aftermarket trigger of your choice and you should still be in it for under a grand.
  12. DAS

    Putting Them to Bed

    I helped two buddys last year on the thanksgiving hunt bed two different bucks. The first was around 8a.m. only thing you could see was the tips of his antlers when his head would turn or an ear twitch. He stayed bedded a little over 4 hrs. Unfortunatly when he stood my buddy missed the shot. Next day put one to bed about 8:30a.m. Couldn't see him at all. He stayed bedded about 3 hrs. Finally stood up and started to feed and got dropped in his tracks.
  13. DAS

    German Shorthaired Pointer Puppy

    +1 for desert point kennels. I have a dog from them and he's a great all around dog.
  14. Great advice so far. Do you have a specific breed in mind? I got my first gsp last year and he's awesome. Just remember the initial cost of the dog is nothing in the grand scheme of things. I did a good amount of reserch before I got my gsp, if you're considering one pm me and I can share some info with you.
  15. Helped two friends tag out. First buck we watched him bed, got my buddy in position 300yds away. Waited 3 hrs for him to stand. It was my buddy's first deer and I think first animal period he's ever killed. I think he thought I was crazy for having him stare at an ocotillo for 3 hrs. He never saw the deer till it stood up. Second buck we glassed in his bed and my buddy made a perfect quatering away shot at 525yds after he stood up. The buck didn't even take a step, dropped him right where he stood. Sorry for the sideways pic
  16. DAS

    Two bucks down

    7mm rem mag. They sure can test your patience and have you second guessing yourself, even though you know they're there.
  17. DAS

    15x56 Zeiss Conquest HD. for sale

    What type of trades are you interested in?