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Everything posted by matt

  1. matt

    Swarovski 15x56 HD

    Text me and we can set up a time for you to check them out.
  2. matt

    Swarovski 15x56 HD

    They’re discontinued but rossoutdoors.com has a set just like them.
  3. matt

    F 2020

    Is all the meat warm or still cold? Guessing by the blood it’s warm.
  4. matt

    F 2020

    My freezer alarm has saved me twice with the door left open.
  5. Does anyone know where I can find some 12x50 EL neoprene covers? I bought some for my 15’s a few years ago and they keep them clean and scratch free. Anyone know a company that makes them for the EL’s?
  6. matt


  7. matt


    That’s a beauty.
  8. matt


    In very good condition. Great pocket carry gun. $250. Talon grip and the sights were painted orange for easier acquisition. Can be removed easily. 602-989o67o. Located at 83rd Ave and thunderbird but can meet as I work all around the valley. First come, first serve.
  9. 9mm- $20 per box 500 S&W - $50 5.56 - $55/box located at 83rd Ave and thunderbird. 602-989-0670. Can meet.
  10. matt

    9mm, 5.56 and 500 S&W ammo

    500 ammo is sold.
  11. matt


  12. matt

    Bulk ammo 9mm, 223, 308, 22

    If people are actually buying at these prices, let me know. I’ll sell every round I have and pay my house off. Lol.
  13. matt


    Just got this last night from “Cheryl119”. Hello contact Francisco in Michigan he has 6.5 Prc for sell francisco.a9667@gmail.com
  14. matt


    He messaged me as well recently on a different scope.
  15. matt

    helpful tips for spotting scammers

    I’m going to contact him and see if it’s for sale. Lol.
  16. matt

    WTB Swaro 15x56 non-hd

  17. matt

    WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

    Let me know what you have and how much you want for it. 602-989o67o. Thanks
  18. matt

    WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

    I called bear mountain. They’re out.
  19. matt

    WTB Swaro 15x56 non-hd

    What’s your price range? I may have a lead on a pair soon.
  20. matt

    WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

    I’ll let you know if I find some around town.
  21. matt

    Watch out for this guy mariana1

    Am I missing something? Why would he send them if you only sent half the money? Then again, he could just create a label and send you the tracking numbers to get the rest but I wouldn’t waste even a few minutes if someone hasn’t paid for it in full.
  22. matt

    45 acp hollowpoints

    I have a box of liberty civil defense 9mm hp’s I’d trade.
  23. matt

    45 acp hollowpoints

    What is it that you have? Lol. What trades would you want?
  24. matt


    I’ll give you $200 and a smile. Free bump.
  25. matt

    Duck Loads

    You looking for anything in particular? I have 3” I could trade.