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Everything posted by matt

  1. matt

    Looking for a roofer

    PM’d you.
  2. What do you have and how much do you want for it?
  3. matt

    Any .30 cal muzzle brakes for sale?

    What generation is it? They’re up to gen 3 now.
  4. matt

    Trade new ADG 6.5 PRC brass for N565

    I wish I had some N565. Lol. Anything else you need?
  5. matt


    Guns etc in Mesa had a bunch of 700x powder a few days ago. I’d call and see if they still have some.
  6. Once fired brass. 100 Hornady and the 40 is a mix of Winchester and S&B. Located at 83rd Ave and thunderbird. $40. 602-989-0670
  7. matt

    Shotgun ammo

    I have waaaaay too much shotgun ammo and I’ve considered selling it. What’s this stuff worth right now? 250 rounds per case and I will keep the cans.
  8. matt

    Anyone else get a message from Campbell20?

    He is still trying. Lol.
  9. matt

    Anyone else get a message from Campbell20?

    Or his buddy in Texas does. Lol.
  10. matt

    Shotgun ammo

    I did the same thing there. You realize that was 10+ years ago, right? 🤣. I still have some of the thicket loads I bought that day.
  11. matt

    Shotgun ammo

  12. matt

    Shotgun ammo

    To be clear, $75 each 250 rounds is what I was thinking. I edited above.
  13. matt

    Shotgun ammo

    2 3/4”. Should be 10 boxes worth in each. $75 each? Cans are not included.
  14. I’m looking for a box or two. I have primers, powder and bullets to trade. 602-989-0670.
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Leupold-Mark-4-35mm-Super-High-Matte-Black-Rifle-Scope-Rings-174942/293884768070?hash=item446ce5af46:g:jPAAAOSwpqJf0CxP
  16. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Leupold-Backcountry-Cross-Slot-Rings-35mm-High-175123/254864158586?epid=14018645846&hash=item3b57166f7a:g:AuEAAOSwuuFgJVb~ These are highs. Closest I’ve seen.
  17. matt

    Another scammer?

    Is this another scammer?
  18. matt

    300 prc 212eldx for trade

    Bruno’s had n570 this morning. I’m 99% sure anyways.