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About matt

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  1. matt

    ISO rifle

    Go 6.5PRC. Much more enjoyable to shoot without all the recoil.
  2. matt

    ISO rifle

    Go 6.5PRC. Much more enjoyable to shoot without all the recoil.
  3. matt

    Need Rzr xp 4 1000 roll cage

    Join AZ RZR on fb. They’re usually free. You could also call places like SSFab who make cages. They’ll have the takeoffs.
  4. matt

    ISO large rifle primers

    Cabela’s had some off-brand the other day. I’m sure they go bang.
  5. matt

    ISO large rifle primers

    Try Healy’s in Tempe.
  6. matt

    Wtb 223 brass

    Call Butch’s brass. He is in Sun city. Better than new and he ships if needed. Great guy.
  7. matt

    Need Tripod Head Recommendation

    Yep. Suriu.
  8. matt

    Swaro NL Pures?

    That’s what I love about the EL’s. I rarely ever adjust the focus.
  9. matt

    WTB. Brass annealer

    I have the annealeez and it’s great. $125 on eBay and does a great job.
  10. matt

    Looking for utility trailer mechanic

    B and M bumpers and hitches did axles on my toyhauler. Might try them. They’re at Grand Ave/Maryland area.
  11. matt

    WTB - Bird Launchers

    STW257 on here also catches and sells them. Give him a pm. He is east valley.
  12. matt

    22 Caliber 55 MC Bullets SOLD

    Are they soft points or fmj or?? I don’t know what Mc is.
  13. matt


    I’ll take this. Pm sent.
  14. What’s with the desire for a 25-50 instead of a 20-60? Bigger field of view or ? I have the 20-60. Never looked through a 25-50.