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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. Hermanator

    34a - help!

    Thanks Azpredator@work! He provided me with some great spots to head to that we realized are actually on the east side of 34A. But since I am currently living in Tubac I was wondering if there is anywhere on the west side worth checking out for the days that I don't want to make the drive all the way around the mountain. Does anyone have any experience with the Madera Canyon area? I have done a few hikes up that way with my girlfriend and seen a few does every time.
  2. Hermanator

    34a - help!

    I know this thread is a year old, but just reading it gets me all excited. I moved out here from Georgia last month and I will be moving back before Christmas so I plan to hunt the upcoming OTC Archery hunt in August. I am living in Tubac so 34A is my unit of choice. I have been scouting pretty hard and spend hours studying google earth, but this feels like a needle in a haystack. The country out here is so different than what I am used to back home. I have been focusing around Madera Canyon & check out the area around elephant Head this weekend. I would be extremely for any info and tips that you guys are willing to spare. Or even better, if anyone is interested in joining me for a scouting trip to help me learn what to look for when glassing and areas to focus on I will buy lunch and cold beers as a thank you. -Herman