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Everything posted by Dano562

  1. Dano562


    Too bad it's pink my son needs a bike. My daughter has the 90cc race model they are great bikes!
  2. Dano562


    I ran a batch of about 150 .308 for my brother. So far I love I love it. Gonna run a batch of 300wm after I find 1lb of varget for my brother's 308 and get them loaded.
  3. You might be better off just getting another press that is already 410. Changing dies and resetting it up is a PITA.
  4. https://www.ballisticproducts.com/Conversion-Kits/products/801/
  5. Dano562

    Brunos has SR primers and powder $$$

    I did that first thing this am and they replied that they added me before they even opened today.
  6. Dano562

    Brunos has SR primers and powder $$$

    Do they email this to you? If they do how do I get on this list?
  7. Dano562

    *FOUND* Rem700 SA BDL

    I got one unfortunately its LA magnum.
  8. Dano562


    I'll take the 178g eldx and varget if one is left over
  9. Dano562

    WTT 210M for 215M primers

    Too bad your in Tucson. I need some 210M. I bought a brick and it was full of 215M. I'm in the valley.
  10. Dano562


    Have to pick up a plug tomorrow and install and then we will be annealing!!!
  11. Dano562

    Reloading stuff

  12. Dano562

    Reloading stuff

    Hey guys my little brother needs some reloading stuff he wants to start loading for his .308 I'm gonna let him use my dies and press. He's looking for 1lb Varget 178g eldx And a couple hundred LRP If anyone has any they can spare please let me know. I'm located in the valley and can meet here, and he's in Tucson and can meet down that way. And if you email me about ur brothers uncles cousins sisters aunt in Texas or wherever I'm gonna take ur email and phone number and sell it to the car warranty people!!
  13. Boarman03 if you still want to sell my 10yo daughter needs a shotgun. Pm me if you still want to sell.
  14. Dano562

    WTT Blackhorn or Pyrodex pellets for 209 primers

    I could use the BH209. I have some CCI 209M I could spare in a trade. PM me if 209M work for you.
  15. Holy cow!! I thought my 1lb 14oz trigger was light. You guys have really light triggers. Less then 1lb?!?!
  16. Dano562

    shotgun powder

    I know a place that usually has 700x PM me if you still need some.
  17. Dano562

    WTB: Green Dot Powder, Win. 209 Primers

    Natches had some a couple hours ago
  18. Dano562

    WTB Blackpowder

    I have a few packages of PowerBelt ELR.
  19. Dano562

    Savage Model 24 combo gun in 22mag/20 gauge

    😂🤣 If firewhenready passes can I be next in line???😂🤣
  20. Dano562

    Savage Model 24 combo gun in 22mag/20 gauge

  21. Dano562

    WTB generator 3000 or bigger

    I second the 2 Honda 2ks. 3ks and bigger get hard to move in and out of bed of truck.
  22. Dano562

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    BTW I just looked it up. GANDER has it in stock $44.51
  23. Dano562

    WTB Blackhorn 209

    That stuff has turned into gold. 3 years ago that was $25 a bottle. My last bottle I bought a few months ago was over $50