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Everything posted by Dano562

  1. Dano562


    Looking for a pair of 10x42, 10x50, or 12x50 vortex diamondbacks for my daughter. On her elk hunt something happened to her old binos so it's time to replace before her Javi hunt.
  2. Dano562


    East valley
  3. Dano562


    I will not be in town. I leave Wed. For my brother's elk hunt and won't be back till the next friday
  4. Dano562

    All Gone

    I could use the 209
  5. Dano562

    Want to buy a triclawps

    Pm sent
  6. Dano562

    NM muzzleloader coues

    What unit? I shot my Couse in 23 on Tuesday as well. It was a tough hunt. I was only seeing doe's for the first few days. Others said the same only seeing doe's. Shot my buck at 250 with my muzzle loader.
  7. Dano562

    WTT 22lr ammo for 12 gauge

    Shoppers supply also had a TON the other day
  8. Dano562

    WTT 22lr ammo for 12 gauge

    East valley walmarts have been stocking them as well as AJI
  9. Dano562

    ISO youth 20 gauge

    Walmart has more guns in the back in the safe you have to ask, they don't put everything in the display case
  10. Dano562

    Need Coues Cape

    If only you posted yesterday I would of saved my cape from my NM couse that I shot yesterday
  11. Dano562

    ISO youth 20 gauge

    I had to find one for my niece over the last couple weeks. Sportsman mesa had some and Walmarts have been carrying some as well. I got my daughter the savage from Walmart a few month ago and it's great.
  12. Dano562

    2003 Honda Rancher

    Great bikes!! Love my 01! Original owner beat the heck out of her for 20 years never let me down
  13. Dano562

    .410 shells WTB

    Awesome ! I just found out about this place a couple hours
  14. Dano562

    .410 shells WTB

    Guys on duck hunting group I am in have been talking about this issue lately on trying to find shells. Try this website these guys seem to love it. https://www.rogerssportinggoods.com/
  15. Dano562

    WTB 30 cal Nosler 180 gr Accubond

    Opticsandammo and dowdle are both scam sites I might have a box of the 180s you want I have to check when I get home.
  16. Dano562

    20ga shells ***FREE FOR KIDS****

    Again?! Wow that is so awesome of you!! Especially when 20g is so hard to find right now!
  17. Dano562


    They still have a few CVA paramount and a few CVA wolf left
  18. Dano562

    SOLD Dillon 650 Reloading Press w/Extras SOLD

    If deal falls through I'll take it
  19. Dano562


    Great gun I have one. Idk how this has not sold yet. I guess people don't like quality AR's
  20. Dano562

    WTB mec powder bushings 31, 32, 33, 34

    Fin Feather Fur has all in stock for $6.99 each
  21. Dano562


  22. Dano562

    ISO 450 Bushmaster Dies

    Anyone have 450 Bushmaster dies they are wanting to let go?
  23. Dano562

    Trade completed

    I have large pistol I will trade.
  24. Dano562

    Anybody have a box of 16 gauge shells

    Signal butte and 60 Walmart had some a couple days ago