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Everything posted by Dano562

  1. Dano562

    WTB vortex 10x42 binos

    I am selling a pair of Vortex Viper 10x42 HD.
  2. Dano562


    I'll take the heater buddy bag
  3. Dano562

    Anyone interested in a ruger precision 308

    Yes my dad has been looking to buy one.
  4. Dano562

    Goodyear Duratracs 275/65/18

    Free bump for AWESOME tires. Love mine on my superduty.
  5. Dano562


    Look at the chest strap on the inside of the left side it will have a little black tag with a L or an M.
  6. Dano562


    What size is this? Med or large?
  7. Dano562

    White Ford Super Duty parked on the Beeline

    Thank you. Yes, it is but it would of been nice to have both.
  8. Dano562

    White Ford Super Duty parked on the Beeline

    Nope no luck... I was rushed wife was having contractons a few days before the hunt she went into labor Sunday night and we had a baby monday
  9. I have a badlands ox frame in realtree that does not fit me correctly. I am wondering if anyone has a size M that would like to trade.
  10. Dano562

    FS Vortex 1000 rangefinder 250.00

    Interested. Pm sent.
  11. Dano562

    ***SOLD*** DELETE

    What fanny pack is it?
  12. Dano562

    Target Panic Cure?

    I had this and what I did to solve most of it. Is I had to learn to slow down and go back to basics. I had to stop trying to rush the shot. Slow down concentrate on drawing back finding ur anchor point going through a mental checklist before I put my finger near the trigger when I checked off everything off off my list mentally on my form then would I look at the target and out my finger on the release and concentrate on a slow squeeze instead of punching the trigger.
  13. Dano562

    Christmas Gathering

    Awesome!!! Hopefully we can make it.
  14. Dano562

    Cleaning out my hoard

    Pm sent
  15. Dano562

    WTB: Mr. Heater - Buddy Heater

    The heater buddy was designed so you do not have to vent or open a the tent. It also has a low oxygen sensor that will shut it off. If you are worried just get a carbon monoxide sensor.
  16. Dano562

    WTB: Mr. Heater - Buddy Heater

    Walmart is the cheapest place to buy new. And the thermo coupler and the regulator were a problem with older ones. If you buy one I recommend buying a propane tree and hose to hook up to a bigger bottle. The 1 lb bottles will last about 3-4 hours on high and 6-7 hours on low if it's all the way full.
  17. Dano562

    Diesel mechanic Help

    Pm me
  18. Dano562

    Vortex 4-12x40 used Diamondback scope $90

    Is this still available?
  19. Dano562

    WeatherTech. SOLD!!!

  20. Dano562

    WeatherTech. SOLD!!!

    I have a set of front weatherTech floormats. These are only a couple of months old they are basically brand new. Still have the box for them. These will fit a F-150 2009-2014 $60 obo