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Everything posted by cdf06

  1. cdf06

    Archery Bull

    Congrats on a great bull!
  2. cdf06

    Big Antelope Down!

    Nice buck, congrats on a successful hunt!
  3. Nice buck! Congrats and what a great story.
  4. cdf06

    Elk Video

    Cool video! Love the kill shots.
  5. cdf06

    My unit 9 archery goat

    Congrats on great buck!
  6. cdf06

    2015 AZ Archery Mule Deer non typical

    Congrats! Cool looking buck.
  7. cdf06

    Dead deer in bottom of cave

    Wow, that is cool!
  8. cdf06

    L.E. utah elk tag - Manti central mountains

    I had a muzzy tag in 2012 on the manti. It was a great hunt and I was in elk everyday. Be ready to hike into some big canyons. Being that you have the archery tag, it will be a little different then the muzzy because the muzzy hunt falls right in the middle of the rut. You will be in some the most beautiful elk country. PM me if you have any questions.