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Yuma Outdoorsman

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About Yuma Outdoorsman

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    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Yuma, Az
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, and family time.

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  1. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    He was pretty dang wide. I decided to give him another year 😂😂😂
  2. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    20250131_235607000_iOS.mov Well, I gave it one last shot this afternoon and the only shot I got was this video of this dude running off with his does. He was a dandy. Well outside his ears and heavy. Hopefully find him next rifle season.
  3. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    Hopefully get on him this weekend. He’s 4 miles from the nearest hill out in the flats. Tough to glass the area but will do what I can to find him.
  4. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    Archery hunting is so tough. Got within 100 yards but his does weren’t having it 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    I know a couple guys that shot bucks in December and they snuck in on them when they were sparring with each other. One of the ones they shot was broke off. They were around farmland though and my theory is with so many does around the farms, those bucks tend to rut a little earlier as it seems the higher amount of does, the more likely a few are to be hot.
  6. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    Typical, the rut happens in pockets down here in my desert. Some areas it’ll be full on and other places non existent. For as much of a drought as we had in my unit, the deer health is very good. Big bodies on the bucks and the does all have looked healthy. Just hoping this next full moon really gets them going.
  7. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Rut In January 2025

    I went out NYE and found small spikes/forks with does but nothing shooter size. I went back out on Saturday and found a nice buck with a herd of 10 does. They spooked about the time I saw them but ran to about 800 yards and stopped and looked back and the buck was sniffing a few of them. As of a few minutes ago, the units I’ve hunted have reported deer being shot in them. I even saw 46A&B had 1 buck being reported. I would love to see what that buck looked like. Anybody else been out and seen any rutting activity?
  8. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Bighorn Pics

    Unfortunately, I never got a head on shot. I’ll be out that way around New Years so hopefully run into him again.
  9. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Bighorn Pics

    Ok awesome thank you. He sure enjoyed sun bathing on the south side of a knob. Wind was blowing 15-20 out of the north and it was in the low 40’s. Chilly but he was soaking up that sun.
  10. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Bighorn Pics

    Is he broomed enough? 😂😂 sorry, I had to say it.
  11. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Bighorn Pics

    Needs to be a wider curl then? If I had a tag I probably would’ve shot him 😂 I need to learn about these dudes. I see them a lot and when they look like this I just think they are shooters.
  12. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Bighorn Pics

    I took these photos of a ram I glassed up during deer season. I’ve got no idea on scoring sheep. Would this be a respectable sized ram or does he still need a few years? He made the other one he was with look very small.
  13. Yuma Outdoorsman

    Couple Bucks Down… *****1 more buck down!

    My brother in law dropped this guy at 75 yards this morning. Not a giant but he was happy to have him.
  14. I didn’t get a tag and neither did my brother so we turned our attention to two of my nephews. I wasn’t able to be out opening day but my brother and his step son got to 150 yards of a heavier antlered 4x4 and he took one shot and dropped him. This was his step son’s first buck. On Sunday, we watched another 4x4 bed down and walked my brother in law and nephew into his bed and my nephew was able to make a great shot and filled his tag. Now, we have 5 adults with tags left to fill. 3 of them are able to hunt the whole time so hopefully they are successful this week. I can’t wait to get back out Friday afternoon and help out. I absolutely love the desert.
  15. Yuma Outdoorsman


    I would shoot it. Not a 180" buck but I would be happy with it.