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About Buck15

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    Hunting AZ and spending time with the family

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  1. Buck15

    Weimaraner Puppies - SOLD

    PM sent
  2. Buck15


    Pm sent
  3. Buck15

    Fujinon 15x60 binoculars

    I am the original owner. No scratches on glass, have been well taken care of and are in great condition! $500 pm if interested-Thanks!
  4. Buck15

    AAE Max Hunter vanes?

    I use the Max Hunter vanes with wac'em fixed broadheads, although a smaller profile fixed head that combination sure shoots bullets for me. A lot better than blazers IMO, groups are tighter, even at longer distances. I fletch them the same way as you are planning to do and this is the only set up I will use now, nothing but great performance for me.
  5. Buck15

    Lightweight Tripods for coues hunting

    Slick tripod has been great for me. Can't go wrong, sturdy, light and reliable.
  6. Buck15

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    I've got a digital antenna for my tv (around $20) and now I can get channel 4. In case Directv /4 problem isn't resolved in time for playoffs or Super Bowl.
  7. Buck15

    Kaibab Water Hole book

    Not a book, but I would highly recommend CWT sponsor Flatline Maps. Great maps for you needs.
  8. Buck15

    Fujinon 15X60 HB's

    Free bump. Great glass for the price! Like mentioned above, you will not be disappointed! Someone out there should jump on this.
  9. Buck15

    Rattling and calling coues

    You never know. Get out there, find a buck and give it a shot.
  10. Buck15

    Havalon knife, which one?

  11. Buck15

    2014 leftover love

    Nice bucks.Good luck in January!
  12. Buck15

    Scouting during rifle hunts

    Scout whenever life allows you to get into the mountains, just have common sense.
  13. All Pm's replied to. Thanks for the interests fella's!
  14. Final price $500 for package! Just don't need a backup bow anymore and years before my son can shoot it!