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Everything posted by Havasuhunter

  1. Havasuhunter


    Very cool. I love Pronghorn. Fun to hunt, great to eat when properly cared for.
  2. Havasuhunter

    Hearing Protection

    Cheap ear plugs with the handgun or while spotting for someone. Also fingers in the ear while spotting for someone. I don't use them while rifle hunting, but probably should. Not worth damaging your hearing for any reason.
  3. Havasuhunter

    handgun javi!

    Excellent advice above. Anyone that hunts needs to study the regs front to back. Spring javelina almost always have leftover tags in less desirable zones. I'll probably put in for a HAM hunt this year and buy an archery only for jan in a different zone. Great way to spend more time hunting. Jan archery Javelina is awesome since it coincides with the OTC archery deer tag. I usually handgun hunt with a super red hawk 44 mag, but a Javelina with the Glock would be fun. Brian
  4. Havasuhunter

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    My life has been defined by health, medical bills and getting screwed by insurance companies the last few years. I feel your pain. Hope you get it all taken care of. Should be able to get it written off and or severely discounted as comments above state.
  5. Havasuhunter

    Cool bobcat with elk picture

    Very cool. Not a combo you see very often. That does look like a large bobcat.
  6. Havasuhunter

    Unit 16 A

    Last Jan I saw a few shooter bucks, but as everyone said 16a seems to be a tough hunt. Lots of glassing opportunities and access is very good, so you should be able to get something if you put in the time and are not picky. I'm used to some of the CA zones where they do a deer survey, take the number of deer and double it to figure out how many tags to offer. As tough as 16 a is, it's still a lot better than that.
  7. Havasuhunter

    My 2013 Desert Buck

    Very nice buck. Great story too.
  8. Havasuhunter

    Mady's Bull

    Wow! Amazing hunt and elk.
  9. Havasuhunter

    Unit 20 C

    So is the area nuked or did it clear out brush for new growth? I know it was extremely intense in places, so didn't know if it's not worth looking at, closed to protect re growth, etcetera?
  10. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    It's the line drag from the heavier line slowing your bait down that requires the lighter line. Guys with 30lb flouro were having trouble getting bit. As I said, bring 30-40, but also bring lighter stuff so you don't ruin a trip. The landings rented my crew 30-40lb outfits that they never caught a fish on. If I didn't bring all the lighter outfits, they would have been skunked. I've had school size yellowfin bite 80lb right off the corner before, doesn't mean they do that every trip. They got really line and boat shy quick. Hopefully they will get a better attitude and go Wide open again.
  11. Aren't those zones around Prescott in decline as far as the deer herd goes already? Why put more predation on them other than for an anti-hunting agenda?
  12. Havasuhunter

    Unit 20 C

    Wasn't sure where the fire went, just heard it was big and in that general area. What zone is the fire area in then? Yarnell is in the corner of 20c if I remember right. It's been 10 years since I'd been there though.
  13. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    By the way. A friend of mine just went on a 3/4 day and 45 guys caught 9 yellowfin. I would at least go on an overnight just to give you some range and less bodies fighting for rail space. Yes they are getting fish, but that is tough fishing especially if your driving all the way from AZ.
  14. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    My favorite light line reel is the Daiwa SL20sh. I fished 20 on that and an SL30 for one of the other guys. 15 on a curado 300 just for fun. Lots of small excellent reels out there now. Just make sure it has a lightweight easy free spooling spool. Those older Daiwa sea lines in the 20&30 size have graphite spools and excellent bearings. I've beat that sl20 for years and it keeps on taking a beating.
  15. Havasuhunter

    Unit 20 C

    I hunted that zone years ago just outside people's valley. Saw a couple nice bucks but couldn't get on them. Even saw what I swore was a small Coues buck right at dusk one day. Nice country. Some of that zone would be within the Yarnell fire area wouldn't it? Might be something to check out if so.
  16. Havasuhunter

    What's your FOC?

    My FOC "Focus On Coues". Haven't calculated my arrows on my compound or recurve. Just played with them until they shot right.
  17. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    Couple more. Guy holding the yellowtail was out for the first time. Got his first yellowfin and first yellowtail. Unfortunately he broke off 3 I handed off to him on the 20lb. It's no problem at all landing them on 20, just have to be patient and no when to apply pressure. Sure wish it was wide open so we could have used 30-40. Would have been a lot easier on the rookies. Good luck to anyone going out. Awesome season.
  18. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    I dropped down to 20 most of the time and 15 sometimes. I caught the jackpot fish and could have caught more, but helping rookies takes time. The bite is up and down, fish are constantly moving. Because it was wide open last week, doesn't mean it will be this week. I know a bunch of guys going out on the outer limits in a day or two. Hopefully they will have a good bite. If you go bring a variety of gear. Guys that brought 30 and 40 because the bite was so wide open got skunked, yes skunked on a 2 day! Here are some pics. Jackpot fish is the one the deckhand is holding and I'm standing next to him.
  19. Havasuhunter

    el nino just keeps rollin' along-september 1-day wahoo !

    3 opah is amazing. I just got back from a 2 day. Bite was tough, but I managed 9 yellowfin. Guys that were inexperienced or refused to drop to the lighter line were having a tough go, some were skunked.
  20. Havasuhunter

    Ruger 44 mag super blackhawk 7.5 inch bbl

    That would go nicely with my 7.5" super red hawk. Seems like a good price too. Good luck, someone should jump I'm that deal. Reezenhunter. 44 mag with full blown max reloads is more powerful than 50 action express. Most powerful non wildcat handguns by far these days are the .460 and .500 smith and Wessons. Sorry for the thread jack. Good luck selling a very sweet handgun.
  21. Good topic and answers. I'd go 7 mag in a t3 if elk will be a common target. If just deer, go with a 270 or 6.5x55. I know those are all chambered in the T3. Probably not a bad choice, but since the t3 is a long action, you might as well get a long action cartridge. 270 WSM and the other short mags are awesome, but I'd buy a short action gun if choosing one of those to get the additional benefits.
  22. Havasuhunter

    Aoudad/ Barbary sheep in arizona

    Only if they form a violent gang and start murdering and extorting the native sheep.
  23. Outstanding trip. I head out Friday night with a bunch of guys for a 2 day on the El Cap. Hope we do all well as you. Thanks for sharing and excellent pictures by the way. Brian
  24. Havasuhunter

    Yellowstone Vacation (5/30) (Picture Heavy)

    Awesome. I lived in MT and loved going there. Much of the water was probably closed to you. Don't most open in June with some not until July? When the smaller waters open it can be very good fishing. I always found better fishing outside of the park though. No place on earth with better scenery or more interesting though. Yellowstone is like being in a Parallel universe sometimes. Glad you had a great trip and thanks for sharing the pictures. Brings back great memories.
  25. Havasuhunter

    ***Browning 300wm BAR/w BOSS***

    Wow. I hate auto rifles for hunting, but that is beautiful. What year was it made? I have a buddy that has been craving one of those? I will pass it along to him.