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Everything posted by Havasuhunter

  1. Havasuhunter

    opening morning buck

    Excellent. Congrats on a nice velvet buck.
  2. Havasuhunter

    My first buck!

    Congrats! First archery deer is awesome. Mine was a small doe and I remember it as well as the biggest buck I killed. I hope you realize your life is changed forever.
  3. Havasuhunter

    ** Snake identification

    That's pretty cool. Never seen one of those.
  4. Havasuhunter

    Best backpacking Tent?

    Thanks for all the advice. I've been watching for sales and trying to research. Going to pick something up this fall.
  5. Havasuhunter

    Super Raffle Tag Bull

    Awesome. That's a great bull.
  6. Havasuhunter

    WMAT Turkey

    I'll take you guys Turkey hunting on private land for only $1650! Ha,ha. Yeah I'd say those turkeys are fairly safe.
  7. Havasuhunter

    Who is going to be where on the 22nd?

    I second this with Bob. I'll be in the Permian Basin, West Texas wish I was in 32. I was in ND before, now I work in the UT Uinta basin and up on the Mesa and the Jonah in WY. I never seem to have any opening day or holiday off, but by some stroke of luck I'll be hunting the opener.
  8. Havasuhunter

    243 wssm

    That cartridge needs to go on a diet. Fat little guy. It's like a 6mm bench rest on steroids. Great deer round I'm betting.
  9. Havasuhunter


    Eat all the Gluten you want. People like me that are allergic to it will limit or avoid it. I do think gluten free is a fad for most, but not for people with allergies to it.
  10. Havasuhunter

    Monday Check in

    Ran every other day after work last week. Push-ups, crunches, dips, calf raises, squats, etc at work. Cut way back on the fast food, which is difficult when you are away from home for 2 weeks working 13 hour shifts. I cooked beans, rice, grilled veggies, chicken and yellowfin tuna for dinner most nights in some combination and took left overs to work for lunch. Zero soda last week, which is a victory for me. Also very little caffeine, which I'm trying to limit or eliminate.
  11. Love it. Great pics once again.
  12. Havasuhunter

    Strip Monsters Falling

    Governors tags I presume?
  13. Havasuhunter

    Sand Hill Crane Guide

    There are Sandhills on the Cibola refuge. If you hunt anything on a NWR non toxic shot is required. Beautiful bird, I know nothing about hunting them, but they are found in similar fields as geese. There are guides along the river that hunt geese, I bet they'd be a good place to start. http://www.hunt4geese.com/hunting_update.htm
  14. Havasuhunter

    help please what think of spider is this

    How big is it? Recluse are pretty small.
  15. Havasuhunter


    I'm betting you bullet choice with your barrels rate of twist just doesn't like the higher speed of the 150 grain load. Go to loose powder and work the load up until you reach maximum safe powder charge while retaining accuracy.
  16. Havasuhunter

    Anyone still waiting for their tags?

    No! Didn't draw anything in any state.
  17. Havasuhunter

    WMAT Elk Hunts

    MT too. $900 will get you an OTC deer and Elk tag.
  18. Just awesome. Love those moose pics and the colors on those cutts.
  19. Havasuhunter

    Sad Ending for Stumpy

    Sad way for a magnificent bull to die.
  20. Havasuhunter

    Food Packaging Gone Wrong

    That sure sounds tasty.
  21. Havasuhunter


    Have and carry several. An old Schrade is my primary. I believe it's the old man model. It still sharpens easy and holds an edge well.