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Everything posted by Havasuhunter

  1. Havasuhunter

    Nice beaver!

    Pooling some water by cutting down some salt cedars or cottonwoods on a desert river sure can't hurt wildlife.
  2. Havasuhunter

    I'll play! Coues or Muley?

  3. Havasuhunter


    Anyone else hunting 16A HAM? Haven't seen any yet, but I'm on really good sign. My biggest discovery was a really nice desert Mule deer yesterday. Got within 50 yards of him. Figures since the Jan season ended a week ago. Hoping to post up a Javelina pick later, those little guys have been a tough one for me.
  4. Havasuhunter

    LION Down!

    I'm no mountain lion expert, but that looks huge to me. Just saved a lot of sheep, deer and other game.
  5. Havasuhunter


    I guess I'll focus on the 17s and 18s next year. Living in Havasu makes it tough to get out and scout. Even though I'm in 16a, the decent areas are 1.5 hours away. All we have on this side of the mountains is sheep and burros. There are deer, but not really hunt able populations. At least the bird hunting and fishing is great over here. What unit do you guys recommend I focus on next year. I'd like to break my archery Javelina Jinx?
  6. Havasuhunter


    I hunted sat, sun and most of today. Not a single siting. Saw lots of sign and other wildlife but no Javelina. I may go one more time before it ends, but I'm pretty worn out right now. Hit it hard.
  7. Havasuhunter

    Boat question about replacing the wood decking

    Fun project. I've done a few.
  8. Havasuhunter

    couse or muley?!?

    No pic, it's a Mexican fantail, they use their magic to make evidence disappear.
  9. Havasuhunter

    The streak continues . . .

    I'm feeling pretty cursed myself. I've purposely passed on shots in the past on them because of low light, etc. Shaved a couple shooting through the bristle hairs high with the bow, but haven't killed one. Got my butt kicked again today. Tons of sign, just couldn't lay my eyes on one. Going tomorrow for one more attempt.
  10. Havasuhunter

    winchester model 94 .375 new pics SOLD SOLD

    I have a 375 JDJ that picks up where those leave off. It's a good deer cartridge for back east and great for hogs and bears at close quarters. It's not a tremendously powerful cartridge but makes a big hole. I'm tempted, kind of wanted a lever in one of those.
  11. Havasuhunter

    winchester model 94 .375 new pics SOLD SOLD

    That's a sweet caliber for bears, etc on heavy cover.
  12. Havasuhunter


    Go ahead and give it to AZ Griz. Hes a lot closer than me. Brian
  13. Havasuhunter

    12x50 & 20x56 glassing setup thoughts??

    Seems like 20s would be tough to keep steady even on s tripod. Maybe I'm wrong.
  14. Havasuhunter

    The Fox News ??

    I didn't do anything! HaHa. My name is Brian Williams too.
  15. Havasuhunter

    Son's first Javelina

    Congratulations. Way to stick with it.
  16. Havasuhunter


    If I can get out your way I'll take the Makarov ammo. I'll post a pic when I get back to my motel.
  17. Havasuhunter


    The females will have pink mixed into there camo.
  18. My buddy gave me a couple chunks of bear from CA he got s few years back. I made chili with it and it was awesome.
  19. Havasuhunter

    Javelina: Field Care

    That's how I handle all big game from 50lbs on up. Skin on site, maximum cooling potential. Bone out and put directly into game bags and pack out. Get on Ice ASAP. Final clean up at home, then package. I'll also pull the bone in quarters off on deer and elk, age them in the fridge, then bone out if possible. Hide, bone, heat and bodily fluids can ruin anything. In TN I'd hang white tails on my basketball hoop in my yard or in my shop skin on for a day if the temp was right. But you'll rarely have that situation in the west, especially AZ.
  20. Havasuhunter

    Chukar Success

    Chukar and the country they live in is pretty spectacular. Yep, his dog is good looking too. Love watching dogs work.
  21. My friend Matt wanted to try to get some Chukar before the season ended and work his young dog so we headed out Sat. Immediately walking toward the monster mountain we were going to climb we jumped Quail but neither of us had our gun loaded, so they got a pass. We picked our way up the side of some nasty stuff to get up where the chukar were. We passed a lot of sheep sign, but didn't see any sheep. Of course we didn't stop and glass or anything. Saw a couple golden Eagles soaring below! Us once up on the rim. I also jumped a beautiful almost blonde bobcat that was working the rim rock looking for chukar as well. After walking several miles and just appreciating the other wildlife sitings and the clean desert air we jumped a covey way too far out to shoot. His young dog is still learning and blew right through them. After another hour or so, we flushed a double and I dropped the lone bird of the day. Had a few more get up way too far out to shoot, so that was it for the day. By the time we got back to the truck, I was physically spent. Coming off a week of flu doesn't make chukar hunting any easier. If your wondering if your in pretty good shape or not? Go chukar hunting, you will find just how fit you are! Lot of work, but it felt great to get my first Chukar in years. My absolute favorite game bird.
  22. Havasuhunter

    Chukar Success

    A couple of Matt and the dog when we stopped to rest.
  23. Havasuhunter

    Free Range Aoudad Hunt Part II

    A dream hunt for me. Thanks for sharing
  24. Havasuhunter

    javelina meat

    Elk are supposed to taste nasty this upcoming season too because of some fungus that grows in years with above average rain. The meat will be useless but I'll take it off your hands for you.:-) I think a lot of game meat, javelina included, gets a bad rap just from bad handling. Excellent suggestions in other posts. You think your beef butcher gets hair, urine, feces and other secretions on the meat or drives around with it, hide on in the hot sun? Even the best beef would be tainted if handled that way.
  25. Havasuhunter

    I'm in . . .

    10,10,10,10 just because it's one of the closet units to me with quality elk