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Everything posted by Havasuhunter

  1. Havasuhunter

    Muzzleloader Unit 10 bull hunt

    I found two BS road closed signs in 16A just the other day while scouting and learning new areas. Seen this trick in other areas of AZ and in other states.
  2. Havasuhunter

    WTB RUGER .41 OR .44 MAG

    Looking for a single or double action? I'll keep my eyes open. I have a 7.5" super RedHawk 44 mag that is my baby. Possibly my favorite firearm to hunt with. Good luck.
  3. Havasuhunter

    Our thieves up date

    Disrespectful, selfish idiots. No shortage of them these days. Many people need to get their fat, lazy asses off their ATVs and UTVs and walk a little. They are great tools and lots of fun when used properly and respectfully but they also enable a lot of people. Hope law enforcement can score a win on this one.
  4. Havasuhunter

    Any one fish Mohave?

  5. Havasuhunter

    What is this?

    Got to be a reseeding project after a fire or logging operation.
  6. Havasuhunter

    leufeaux scopes

    Good info. I'll pass that along, I have a friend shopping used scopes right now.
  7. Awesome pics. I've been told by Falconer friends that Harris Hawks are one of the most intelligent birds of prey. Sounds like that one was hunting with a decoy? I've been enjoying watching all the birds this spring too. I have about 25 cotton balls on legs running around with the adult quail now and the first white wings have finally migrated back here from Mexico. Most exciting thing is I've kept the pigeons from nesting anywhere on my house, so far!
  8. Havasuhunter

    Fall Regs

    Me too.
  9. Havasuhunter

    Elk tag ?

    Excellent. Let me know if you need help scouting. Its the closest good Elk zone to me.
  10. Havasuhunter

    Any one fish Mohave?

    That will be right after the striper Tournament. PM me that week, if I'm still in town I'll help you out. I fish the river up by Bullhead at night sometimes. It's not for the faint of heart but can be really rewarding. I fish big swim-baits up and down the river for stripers. Biggest I've landed this year is 13lbs, but have lost some much bigger fish. Including one that may have been my largest striper ever. Smoked 30 yards of 50lb power pro and broke me off. Either rock or gill plate I'm thinking. Could tell the fish was jumbo by heads shakes and the large tail beats on the spectra.
  11. Havasuhunter

    GREGOR welded alum 13'6" lake ready.

    If I had the extra cash that might become my duck hunting and back water river boat. couple cans of camo paint and that things ready to go.
  12. Havasuhunter

    How old and what does he score

    No way it's a shooter in any AZ zone, though I'm no expert by any means.
  13. Havasuhunter

    Fly fishing noobs question

    Excellent suggestion on the fly tying kit, I got started young and still am not good at it, but it's a great outdoor skill to have that anyone can enjoy. My buddies and I tie striper flys up to 7" so it's not just about tying tiny little trout stuff.
  14. Havasuhunter

    Fly fishing noobs question

    Cabelas has excellent cheap fly combos. I have a 7.5' 3 WT 3 forks combo and it's great. I have higher end rods, but the 3 wt rides in my truck and is great for small streams and pond sessions. I think the whole combo was $70-80 and they often have them on sale in their spring ad. I'd recommend a 4-5 wt for a trout stater setup though. I have a 9' 5 WT in a higher end setup for most of my trout fishing, but don't mind that cheapie at all. Brian
  15. Havasuhunter

    Bowfishing Pleasant

    Feed the turtles, raccoons, opossums, etc with them.
  16. Havasuhunter

    2 nice southern Arizona Toms

    Wow. Big kitties for sure. Hate to have one of those pounce on me when hiking into a spot at night.
  17. Havasuhunter

    Bowfishing Pleasant

    It's that time of year. They are starting to cruise good at Havasu. I shot 4 from shore the other day. Boats in the shop right now. I missed one that was over 30 and somehow hit a little 2 lber. Think I got carp fever on the big one! I always forget how fun now fishing is until I do it again. My old PSE is now dedicated to the sport and I plan to where the thing out.
  18. Havasuhunter

    Any one fish Mohave?

    how long are you there each time? I mainly target the Havasu pool from Parker Dam up to Davis, but sometimes go up to Willow beach on Mohave. plenty of good fishing, even from shore.
  19. Havasuhunter

    Best Antelope decoys?

    Carrying around a 4x8 sheet of plywood sounds really fun too.😉 I've carried several to lay on Tules to get across marsh areas and for bow fishing platforms, super fun when the wind kicks up too. I'm sure it works, but man the logistics of maneuvering something like that into place makes me not want to ever try it. I've seen the horse thing work in WY, not only walking behind them, but sometimes you can ride right up to them while on the horses back. Very strange. I've also talked to guides that just wave a white flag above the grass and it draws them in. Never saw it done myself. My cousin also used a MT decoy with mixed success on an Archery hunt. Got closer, but never a shot. Guess it just matters on the buck and if other people will be in your area.
  20. Havasuhunter

    MX last weekend

    Looks like a lot of fun.
  21. Havasuhunter

    New release for rookie?

    A true back tension release is set to release itself at a preset tension if I understand right. My buddy that owned an archery shop for years prefers a true back tension release. You come to full draw, release some sort of safety, then as you pull against the back wall the release triggers itself for a surprise release. At least that's how I thought he explained it to me. I just used a true ball caliper release.
  22. Havasuhunter

    How Do You Dispose of Old Boat Hull?

    If it has character many people will take it for decoration, flower beds, etc. Very common here in boat themed Havasu.
  23. As little as I trust the Feds, I believe that is where public land should stay. Same rules and regs on public land across the country is better for hunters than 50 different sets of rules. I truly believe many states would sell off that land when given the chance to collect property tax and other revenue. Feds don't collect property tax and it's a much bigger bureaucracy, which in this case is actually good.
  24. Havasuhunter

    Used Bow Recommendations?

    For AZ, definitely get a compound unless you have many extra hours a week to practice. I love recurves but a compound is so much easier to learn and shoot well. For under $400 you should easily be able to get into a decent used setup. Good luck.
  25. Havasuhunter

    who builds traditional bows here?

    I have a buddy in San Diego that makes primitive style bows. Never attempted it myself, but shoot recurves, flat bows and self bows. Maybe when I retire I'll play around with it. My wood working hobby is making swimbaits for fishing. Just finished 3 of them.