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Everything posted by Havasuhunter

  1. Havasuhunter

    WTB Benelli super black hawk 2

    I just sold a Super Black Eagle 2 last year. If it would have bred with my Ruger Super Black Hawk in the safe they could have had little Super Black Hawk 2s. I just didn't duck hunt enough to keep the Benelli around, but it was one amazing semi auto.
  2. Havasuhunter

    Guess the Species

    Definitely Mexican fan tails. That tank is only 6' across.
  3. Havasuhunter

    I actually drew a rifle deer tag!

    It's the G1 tag, late season in C4 I believe. Once you draw the tag, you then draw for access which can be key to success. Hunt has a 35% success rate and some really good deer get killed if the migration works out right. After day 3, it's a meat hunt for me. An excuse to go hang out with my friends up there and hopefully bring some meat home. Bad thing about the hunt is it's impossible to scout. Being a migration hunt, there are literarily no bucks there during the summer.
  4. I'm always looking forward to dove season. It's a tradition.
  5. Havasuhunter

    I actually drew a rifle deer tag!

    It's a mule deer hunt, but Blacktails mix in. I've killed a few blacktails with my bow. We hunt A zone sometimes, those are all blacktails. My friend lives in Sonoma valley, so we hunt pigs and blacktail there. This is supposed to be a fun hunt because the deer are migrating.
  6. Havasuhunter

    Forums Like This

    When the government goes that far to limit freedom of speech there will be a revolution.
  7. Havasuhunter

    AZ drivers....

    I drive all over the country and AZ really isn't that bad compared to some places. I don't drive around the Phoenix metro area much though. You should try Havasu the first week or so of spring break. You have the snowbirds from Canada, MN, ND etc that seem to average about 90 years old driving next to the drunk/high college kids. I avoid the main roads and tourist areas as much as possible.
  8. Havasuhunter

    AZ drivers....

    No turn signal kills me! How f#%%^ing hard is it to use your turn signal? Shows how lazy and ignorant people are. It may be 1 time out of 10,000, but just using your signal could save someone's life, but apparently it's still too difficult for many.
  9. Havasuhunter

    What units did you apply for?

    I put in for 97 south and 99 east. I figure I have the same chance of drawing those as zones that actually exist.
  10. Havasuhunter

    AZ drivers....

    Drivers suck all over the country. It's the selfish mentality that the world is coming too. They are the only ones that matter, so everyone else just get out of the way. Or they are too preocupied with their phone, makeup, movie they're watching, etc to pay attention to actually driving. Some dumb bitch in a big black Dodge almost killed me yesterday in Colorado Springs. I stood on my horn while making evasive maneuvers and she just keep forcing me over, never looked, no signal, not even a wave after she finally realized I was there. We were inches from trading paint and I have my Tacoma out here so I would have lost that one big time.
  11. Yes, because many parents are idiots and don't teach their kids safety themselves. We don't need any accidents to fuel the anti hunting/gun fire. Don't need anyone getting hurt period, hunters safety is at least one small measure toward preventing accidents.
  12. Havasuhunter

    Marlin Model 60 22LR

    I now have a 10/22, but those Marlins are as good or better. That will make a great shooter for someone.
  13. Havasuhunter

    Sitka Packs for sale

    I thought it said six packs for sale, I sure could use one right now.
  14. Havasuhunter

    Air Gun for Coyotes

    The modern PCP guns are very impressive. Many are more than capable of taken a coyote.
  15. That whole area on, above and below Flaming Gorge is just amazing. Nice Browns.
  16. Havasuhunter

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Fished the Havasu Striper derby last weekend. Crazy weather had me worried, but we did pretty well. Ended up in 10th place out of 130 teams. I was on some really good fish a few weeks back, but couldn't find them for the tourney. We had just under 70lbs for the two days, for a 3.5lb average. Some of the 8-10lbers I had been catching would have really helped. Our biggest tourney fish was about 5.5lbs. Biggest thing we were proud of was catching all our fish on artificial lures. Most boats anchor up and fish bait. That's effective, but I just can't do it. Same reason I could never sit in a tree stand all day, got to be moving. Brian
  17. Havasuhunter

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Those stripers in the current fight hard too. Good luck on Mead. Mead is loaded with small stripers. Caught some really nice smallmouth there a few weeks back too. I have a friend that is staying at Mead in his 5th wheel for a few months.
  18. Havasuhunter

    AZGF gift card-not fair for Jr hunters

  19. Havasuhunter

    Best fishing with a 12' aluminum??

    Any of the CO river backwaters are excellent. Depends how far you want to travel. You can take I 10 straight towards Erinburg and Blythe, turn left at the travel center in Erinburg and you'll be in business. Cibola lake is electric only and is excellent for multi species. Palo Verde Oxbow lake is also very good, but I think you need a ca license for that. All down that way is backwater after backwater. Some trailer launch capable, some not. Another option is to come to Havasu and launched at the south end of the lake. The Bill Williams NWR has a huge no wake zone that is great for small boats and kayaks. I'll give you specifics on a PM, but let's just say I catch a few fish down there.😉
  20. Havasuhunter

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    I go fishing at Havasu to escape heat.😃LOL I go night fishing and try to visit my friends in Northern CA, where it's only 90-95. Working in CO springs right now is making me miss the heat.
  21. Havasuhunter

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    No guides, I was the guide sometimes though. I fished all over middle TN, lived there for a few years. I was in a striper club and fished tournaments. I'm good friends with a lot of guys out there still, both guides and non guides. Used to catch a lot of big fish on the Cumberland, lots of 8-12lb hybrids on J Percy Priest, etc. On the Cumberland we'd use s variety of lures and bait, but when hunting for the big boys we'd use 14-20" long skipjack herring for bait fished on a 10/0 hook and 30-40lb line. It was amazing how even a 10lber would attack a large skipjack. We caught the skipjack on white grubs or the fly rod, that was a lot of fun in itself. One of my best days on the Cumberland, I caught 2 6lb smallmouth, a 6 lb Largemourh, a 15 lb striper and about 50 smaller models of several species, we didn't bother chasing the Giants that day, just 10lb rods and small swimbaits. TN has some just amazing fishing. We did a lot of Kayak fishing too. My buddy got drug down the Caney Fork river by s 50lber. Oneshot, I can only imagine how exciting that was getting drug out to sea by a big striper in the salt. That is still a dream of mine to get into one of those Atlantic Ocean striper runs.
  22. Havasuhunter

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Here's one I got on the Cumberland in TN. I'd love to fish those beasts in the Atlantic.
  23. Havasuhunter

    Colorado Mule Deer

    Im working in CO right now. Amazing place, mule deer everywhere. Congrats on drawing. Im fired up to start applying here now that I've spend some time in this beautiful state.
  24. Havasuhunter

    Help me Clarify UTV Laws her in AZ

    Seems to me it would be just like kids on a boat. Life Jackets on a boat, helmets on an ATV, no exceptions.
  25. Havasuhunter

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Here's a few pics. The size of the smallmouth we catch on accident is almost more impressive than the stripers. Also added one of my nephew helping me prefish one day. Those fish were a bit much for him, but he battled a few.