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Everything posted by Hunt44

  1. Hunt44

    Help in Unit 22?

    Give Adam a call. He also helped me and my daughter on her junior elk hunt this year. He knows the area and loves to help, he made her hunt in the end. Thank you
  2. Hunt44

    Spring cards are getting hit

    Wife and I got hit 3 out 4 and my 10 year old daughter got her first. Good day here!
  3. Hunt44


    Thank you for sharing. good luck!
  4. Hunt44

    One Month (updated with pics)

    Brian, Congrats on the baby coming. Just be you and love her, you will do great. I am having the best hunting season ever because of my girls and I haven't gotten one animal. You have gotten very god advice on here. Just be you. Thank you for getting back in to hunting this year.
  5. Hunt44

    Keeping the passion

    I think that is the the normal cycle of life especially when we have kids. I did the same thing and am now just starting to pick up those passions again.
  6. Hunt44

    Who drew OTC tags?

    I feel the same way. This is my first year back into hunting, after a long break, and my spouse and I have been doing the exact same thing.
  7. Hunt44

    Newest Addition to the Clan

    Congrats on the new addition
  8. Hunt44

    Unit 8

    I may be interested. I am already going to be up there the later part of the week. PM me