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About Whitetailcurse

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  • Birthday 05/28/1982

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    Las Vegas

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  1. Whitetailcurse


  2. Whitetailcurse

    Ruger Blackhawk Bisley 44mag FS

    Those were a limited run, worth almost double what you're asking. I have the same pistol in nickle, shoots awesome!
  3. Whitetailcurse

    please delete sold

    I'm interested. Where do you live?
  4. Whitetailcurse


    That's for a 660, yes?
  5. Whitetailcurse


    Yes, I'm interested. Is everything there, I.e hangars and mount to OEM muffler? How much do you want for it? Any holes in the muffler can?
  6. Whitetailcurse


    Please Delete
  7. Whitetailcurse

    Post Deleted

    You are correct, they are 10X40. I have corrected the add. As you stated they still make them and they are still great glass! Bump
  8. Whitetailcurse

    Post Deleted

    You are correct, they are 10X40. I have corrected the add. As you stated they still make them and they are still great glass!
  9. Whitetailcurse

    Post Deleted

    Post deleted
  10. Whitetailcurse

    FS: Swarovski Traditional 10x40 and Nikon Monarch Laser 800

    Still for sale...make an offer.
  11. I have for sale a pair of used Swarovski 10x40 traditional rubber armored porroprism binoculars and a Nikon Monarch laser 800 rangefinder. The binoculars were my fathers and are at least 20 years old. They come with a neck strap and tripod adapter which are affixed to the binoculars in the pictures. The range finder is newer but is at least eight years old. Both are in great condition. I'm asking $800 obo for the binoculars and $200 obo for the rangefinder. Please feel free to give me a call at (940)257-7475 or shoot me a message. Thanks, Orion
  12. Whitetailcurse

    4 Pure-bred German Shorthaired Pointer pups (9 weeks old)

    Good looking pups! Have you been working with them on obedience at all? Are they house trained? Are they still $600?
  13. Whitetailcurse

    Snake ID

    It appears to be a king snake with very dark markings. If you look closely in the picture, you can see slight yellowing indicating king snake. My first guess would have been a black racer, but since you don't live in the Southeastern U.S., it's probably not that. Snake is harmless to humans and beneficial in eliminating mice/rats.
  14. Whitetailcurse

    WTB Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56 or Zeiss Conquest 15x56

    Give the guy at Cameral Land Inc. in New York a call 866-9optics. He has Zeiss and Vortex demo pairs for a couple hundred off new sticker price. Also Texasbinoman.com has Swarovskis, Zeiss, and Leicas once in a while for a great price.