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Everything posted by JohnSWA

  1. JohnSWA

    Credit Card Hits?

    Woo Hoo! CC got hit! I hope I got my first choice.
  2. JohnSWA

    Archery Nov. Elk Hunt

    Good luck TJ! I'm heading out tomorrow morning for my hunt as well! Bundle up and may your shot be true!
  3. JohnSWA

    Now That's a Trail Cam

    That was hilarious! I needed that!
  4. JohnSWA

    Good Luck Tjhunt2

    Glad to hear everything went well, TJ!
  5. JohnSWA

    Your Favorite Elk Unit

    I love 5bs. I've always tagged out there and the quality of the animals I've spotted were excellent. This year, I have a 22N tag and it's a whole new ball game for me. Nov 25th rifle tag for Bull! I'm totally stoked and am looking forward to my first weekend of scouting in a few days.
  6. JohnSWA

    Sitting Around the House

    Dan, Could you tell me how old the bow is? Thanks!
  7. JohnSWA


    Wow! Awesome pics! Keep em coming!
  8. JohnSWA

    Who Drew What?

    First time posting, but love the site! I drew a 4A/B turkey tag (1st one) and my boys had drawn the 6A youth cow hunt! It looks like it's up to the boys to fill the freezer this year. I'm really looking forward to relaxe and let them do the hunting. I get so riled up making sure I fill the tag first when I'm hunting with them. I know it sounds selfish, but I want to make sure that they learn from their old man. Good luck to all! I'm really looking forward to this hunt. One of the major benefits is that I get to hunt deer with my OTC tag while scouting for the boys!