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Everything posted by azhunter23

  1. azhunter23

    looking to buy remington 700

    What about a 300 RUM?
  2. Need more help? I can be there in an hour.
  3. azhunter23

    Opinions on coolers

    Love my Canyon coolers!! Also they have a lifetime warranty vs a 5 year.
  4. azhunter23

    Toyota Tundra bed rail cleats (4)

    Will these fit a 17? They look identical in the picture.
  5. azhunter23

    Old Lion

    Having issues with my Coverts. Taped up the motion sensor and stuck it out for a couple days. Didn't expect to get much. Didn't even set the time and day. Just wondering is this lion super old? It seems to be very skinny.
  6. azhunter23

    old Lion?

    Having issues with my Coverts. Taped up the motion sensor and stuck it out for a couple days. Didn't expect to get much. Didn't even set the time and day. Just wondering is this lion super old? It seems to be very skinny.
  7. azhunter23

    Covert MPE6 Too Sensitive

    I purchased 6 of these to go with my other cameras put them out 6 weeks ago. Checked them yesterday and today. They were setup on the ground and in trees. Had them all set on 2 shots/30sec and 2 shots/1min. All pointed north or south. Cleared most brush and limbs that I thought would trigger them. They all took pictures nonstop during the day at any sign of movement,shadows. Filled my 8gb cards in 4-5 days. They seemed to work properly at night. Any body have this problem. There seems to be no sensitivity adjustment. Any tips? Tape sensor?
  8. azhunter23

    Covert MPE6 Too Sensitive

    Lol. I have 6 of these cameras. That's way to much ammo to waste. Thx though.
  9. azhunter23

    Covert MPE6 Too Sensitive

    Reading through the Manual there is no way to adjust the sensitivity.
  10. azhunter23

    Portal Results Available

    6A archery Bull late hunt. This will be my first late archery hunt. Should be fun. Good luck to all.
  11. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

  12. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

    Sold....Please delete
  13. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

    Back up for sale. Everyone backed out. Hopefully they sale on here or Craigslist because I yanked them from Stub Hub and they won't let me put them back on. Serious buyers only or open for trades (ammo) or gift cards to Sportsmans,Cabellas or BPS. Thx guys
  14. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

  15. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

    No problem. I actually love this section. We also bought tickets for his September concert in the same section.
  16. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

    I will go in the order you guys posted. Goatsie,azruger then hunter25. If you first two could send me a pm that would be great. I work in the east valley and can meet anywhere out that way Monday through Thursday. I'm gunna pull them off Stub hub right now.
  17. azhunter23

    George Strait Tickets

    Sec. 227 Row C.
  18. azhunter23

    Monday hits

    They took mine and reran it too!!
  19. azhunter23

    My pending charges are gone!!!!!!!!!!

    Just checked my one charge 15min ago and it was there. Checked just now and it's gone. Not sure what's going on with G&F
  20. azhunter23

    Official Hit thread.

    Just got hit for $135.
  21. azhunter23

    SOLD .44 Mag Lever Action for sale

    How old is it?