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Everything posted by azhunter23

  1. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    I think that I already mentioned that I drew a unit 8 archery bull tag. I am now interested in purchasing a ground blind big enough to sit with my kids ( 1 at a time) and have plenty of room to shoot. I don't want to spend a ton of cash because I plan on leaving it at a water source starting at the beginning of September. I have found a few cheap ones but was looking for some reviews. I only plan on using it for this season. The one I was leaning on getting is the Turret©-XL Hunting Ground Blind, I was unable to find any reviews. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  2. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    Well I got the Dark Horse yesterday it took me a few trys(and a few beers) but got it popped(in the living room). Its going to take some practice but I should be fine. The wife had to drag me out of it to go to bed.
  3. azhunter23

    trail cam questions

    I agree with TAM. I have six of the cheap ones and they get the job done. Over the last two years i have had one stolen. But i have had a problem with people messing with them. Three times i have had people cut the straps and throw them on the ground, taking the SD card with them, which bothers me more than if they just took the whole camera. All three occasions were in the same area, all setup over water, and i believe from the same person.
  4. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    Thank you for the great tips! I plan on practicing from the blind with my kids in it to see which way to arrange it inside once we start hunting.
  5. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    Yesterday i went on EBAY to buy the blind up top and saw there was a dark horse that was close to ending and it was only at $255, so i started bidding on it in the last minute and picked it up for $295. I assure you i will not be leaving it in the woods over night. I really hoping to get to spend more time with the kids now in the field. I take them out a lot, but short of rachett strapping them to the tree and gagging them we dont see much. I am hoping this will help.
  6. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    I broke down and got a Double Bull Dark Horse. Never hunted from the ground. any tips would be helpful.
  7. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    That's funny. The tanks that the camera's are on are pretty tough to find, They are not on any maps that I have seen. They are ones that we have stumbled across over the last 15 years. Are group averages 5 elk tags a year (archery,rifle,muzzleloader) 7 this year. So we have covered a lot of ground up there over the years. Last weekend I came across 5 treestands already set over water and 1 camera. I usually throw my glasses up to check for cameras before i walk in all the way to the tank. I have been scouting up and down equally but have seen most of the bulls down low. Just wondering if you are seeing the same things. Me and a buddy are going to try to fly the unit to do a little scouting in August. Maybe we can split the cost of gas on a scouting trip or two. I am located in East Mesa. Good luck
  8. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    I agree with you that most of the tanks do already have make shift blinds on them. I have scouted around 80 tanks so far and have cameras on 6 that are pretty well hidden. These do not have any blinds built around them, nor have I got pics of people. Although they have tree stands on them now. My kids are pretty good at staying still but would hate to get pinned because of some movement. They will only be up there on the weekends so I just want to have a plan for them to enjoy this as much as i will.
  9. azhunter23

    Ground Blind help

    Sorry here are the specs. Found it on ebay for under a $100
  10. azhunter23

    Kiabab Shutdown

    Was up in Williams this weekend and picked up a notice that went into the proposed closure of over 350 roads in the Kiabab forest . The closure seems to be because of ATV riders that are destroying areas . There is a public hearing tonight in Williams to hear thoughts on this issue. Williams is fighting this because of all of the revenue they get from campers and hunters. I really think they should just come down harder on the people abusing the forest by banning ATV or any offroad vehicles in these areas, that way the people that respect the forest should not have to pay for the people who are not. Being a responsible ATV owner I know this is extreme but I would rather be able to access these areas and not take our quads along than to not be able to access these areas at all. Any other thoughts on this subject.
  11. azhunter23

    Where would you buy a cabin...

    +1 for Williams.
  12. azhunter23

    contest idea.....

    I'm in!! I think it should be all animals.
  13. azhunter23

    Kiabab Shutdown

    Here's an article from Williams Members of the Williams-based Citizen's for Forest Roads Input (CFRI) voiced their dissatisfaction with the implementation of the Travel Management Rule (TMR) at the regular meeting of Williams City Council May 22. Charlie Bassett, speaking for CFRI, mentioned a number of unresolved issues when it came to the travel policy during the regular meeting. The TMR, currently in the proposed action phase, will seek to close roughly 350 roads on the Kaibab National Forest, while adding 37 miles to the system. Issues related to the TMR include ATV use, dispersed camping and other matters. "As you are probably all aware, we did have a joint venture work session with the Forest Service," Bassett said. "That was actually a little bit disappointing. We had very little participation - low turnout." Bassett said he was disappointed with Forest Service officials following the May 17 meeting, held at the Williams Recreation Center. "They've got this proposed action out there on the table and, when you try to pin them down on basic questions, they have no answers. They're pretty good at dancing around it," he said, adding that he believed part of the problem lay with new Forest Service staff on the Williams Ranger District. "Everybody that we had been working with for over a year and a half has moved on to other things. We feel that's bad. It has not been beneficial to us. The people that we're dealing with now, they're all nice people and they're fellow citizens and they're doing their jobs, but quite honestly they don't know this forest from the man on the moon. They really don't. Most of them do understand how the management is applied nationally across the entire United States, but they don't know what this forest needs. They don't know what these citizens, that live here and try to make a living here off of tourism and recreate on the forest, they don't understand what we want. When you've got someone that is in charge of the comments section that has been here since March 8 and has no idea what any road from one to the other is out there in the forest; it's frustrating trying to talk to them." Bassett updated council members on the current CFRI activities during the May 22 regular meeting. Besides participating in a work session held May 24, a number of CFRI members traveled throughout the forest to hand out pamphlets on the road closures to travelers in the forest over the Memorial Weekend holiday. "We are trying to reach people outside of our local area," he said. "The committee doesn't feel the Forest Service has gone the extra mile to make this proposed action public. I think they probably did, a year and a half ago, publish it in enough newspapers around the state to fulfill their obligations to let the citizens know what was going on, but the proposed action that is on the table right now is not out there." CFRI will be on the agenda for the June 11 regular meeting of Williams City Council, according to Bassett. He suggested that members of the city council, as well as city staff members, become more involved in the process, possibly even to the inclusion of legal advice. "I honestly think it needs to go to a lawsuit. I think the Forest Service needs to be sued and put on notice that we're not going to sit back and take them shutting down our livelihood on this forest. The other thing I really feel is that I don't believe the business community has given this enough attention. The feeling I got out of that work session was that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the whole public portion of this thing is done and gone and the first phase of it is accepted, from then on out it becomes the prerogative of the each individual ranger that comes here. He doesn't have to have public comment anymore. It won't have to go to the public anymore." Mayor Ken Edes said the TMR, originally, seemed to concern road closures on the Kaibab National Forest and nothing else. "They responded to some of the issues about closure and some of the issues like camping, off the roads," Edes said. "I think some of the people aren't aware that they've thrown in several issues that were never, ever discussed in this year and a half. When I addressed our Forest Service on it and asked them why these things were put in when they were never discussed, they didn't have an answer on it, because these people are coming in on the end of our efforts. I think the only way we can do something is to move it up to the next level." Jackie Banks, public information officer for the Kaibab National Forest, said the idea behind the implementation of the TMR has always been to limit cross-country travel in the forest, though a majority of the focus settled on road closures. "We feel that we tried to emphasize that once the Travel Management Rule is implemented cross country travel will no longer be allowed, however, because of the local interest in roads, we did end up focusing a lot of time and attention at meetings discussing roads," Banks said. "We have tried to make it clear from the beginning that the whole purpose of the Travel Management Rule was to stop cross country travel. A lot of roads that are out there are roads that people are creating. Do we want every person that is going into the forest to be able to create roads and trails wherever they want? That is what's happening right now," There have been numerous work sessions since the TMR was introduced. Most recently, the comment period was extended to June 20 in order for forest users to provide additional input on the matter. Around 12 people attended the most recent work session, held at the Williams Ranger District May 24. "This is the time to be involved and provide input. The input needs to be coming in now. We'll have another comment period once we have formulated alternatives or modifications to the proposal," Banks said. "After Travel Management is implemented on the Kaibab we would still need to involve the public and talk to people about any future proposed road closure. We put everything into that proposed action that we are interested in seeing closed. We're not holding onto any potential closure to put out there later." Banks said that public input would be sought should revisions to the forthcoming motor vehicle use map be needed. She said the public would be notified via newspaper, television and radio, though she couldn't say for sure whether news agencies would opt to use the information she provides to them. The TMR, after all, is a national policy and many of the media agencies may be busy covering forests closer to their immediate area, Banks said. "I think we have a good balance of people that have been on the forest for a long time. Martie Schramm has a lot of people working for her, many of whom have been on the National Forest for years. (The TMR) has come from the collective knowledge of the Forest Service employees over time," Banks said.
  14. Was up in Williams scouting for Sept . Checked my cams and moved them around. Here are a couple of pics to share. They are not the greatest pics, I use the el cheapo cameras so it doesn't hurt as bad when the go missing.
  15. This is my first year for predator hunting. (and I'm hooked now) but I have a question for all of you seasoned predator hunters. Here goes I have heard friends say that hunt coyotes. That they don't hunt them through the summer because the hide is not as nice. Is this true? How many of you hunt year round for them? If you don't hunt year round what are the months that you skip? Is this just a stupid question? Thanks
  16. azhunter23

    AZ unit 8 sheds

    Thanks for the great pics. This just adds fuel to the fever, I was lucky enough to draw unit 8 archery BULL . Can't wait til Sept. 12th. I will talk to a few of my buddies in Prescott. We have only hunted unit 8 for elk and turkey for the past 15 years and we have picked up many sheds every year. Heres a bull from the archery season in unit 8 3 years ago. Its a friends, it has never officially been scored, but we ran a tape on it and it was just over 400". this pic doesn't do this bull justice(mainly because i am in it) i will try to locate some other photos of the bulls we have taken over the years.
  17. azhunter23


    There is a ton this year! Most I have ever seen. I work up in Carefree and I have seen them daily for the past month. Some eggs still haven't hatched, saw a nest yesterday. Should be a great year for hunting.
  18. azhunter23


    Just wondering if you know if the Switchback will fit nicely in this case?
  19. azhunter23

    New Nov. Archery Elk tags?

    We got 3 Sept. tags and 3 Nov. tags all unit 8 the Nov tags were 3rd choices on all of our applications. I am glad mine is in Sept. but I will on the Nov. hunt as well.
  20. azhunter23

    Deer Farming

    I was thinking of trying it on an elk. After reading this I have reconsidered. Very funny.
  21. azhunter23


    I saw 3 rattle snakes today at work, that make 5 in the last month . Seems the hot weather really has them coming out more. Got a picture of a bobcat today too!
  22. azhunter23

    Tundra ?

    Josh I got it at Tempe Toyota (Power Toyota) and I chose the double cab because the max only comes with a short bed. Their is plenty of room in the back seat on the double cab. I also went with the off road Package. I went through the fleet dept. If you are a costco member you can set it up through them. Saved a bundle. My wife also got a 4-runner a couple of years ago the same way. They were great. No haggle..They just tack a couple hundred bucks on to the invoice. (which they show you). If you are intrested Pm me and I will give you the name and number of the guy that did both of our transactions.
  23. I'm getting a new truck and was thinking the new tundra, 4 wheel drive double cab with the off road package. Was wondering if any of you have the tundra and do you like it. Any problems? We already have a 4 runner and we love it thats why I was thinking the tundra. Like to get some first hand knowledge on it performance. Thanks
  24. azhunter23

    Tundra ?

    Well I bought it last week. and so far I love it...4 door 4 wheel drive. Just need to get a new sticker for it now. Getting roughly 17 mpg. Broke it in over the weekend up in unit 8.. Preformed well.
  25. azhunter23

    help me focus on which new bows to try

    I also drew a unit 8 bull tag, 3rd one in 10 years. So you should listen to me. ANY THING MATHEWS!!!!