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About azhunter23

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/23/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Verde Valley
  • Interests
    Spending time with my family. Hunting,Fishing.

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  1. azhunter23

    Vortex viper 65 spotting scope

    Is this sold?
  2. azhunter23

    Found Cow Elk Montana Decoy

    Lol. I lost mine 2 years ago in 5A.
  3. azhunter23


    I will take these if available. I can meet up either Friday or Sunday evening. Live in verde valley. Work in Mesa. So I’ll be heading back down Sunday afternoon. Let me know
  4. azhunter23

    Mathews Z2 Compound bow

    Pm sent
  5. azhunter23

    Post up your success in tags

    5A archery cow. 9th elk tag in last 14 years of drawing. All archery 4 bull tags, early and late and 5 cow tags. Units 5a,6a and 8.
  6. azhunter23

    Reloading Supplies

  7. azhunter23

    Reloading Supplies

    all is practically new. Mounted to bench but only got as far as punching primers on a few .223. Sierra game king .308 165 gr HPBT 2140 300 bullets $100 Sierra game king .308 165gr spritzer 2145 100 bullets $28 Hornady A-MAX .308 168gr twist rate 1-12” 200bullets $65 Hornady GMX .308 150gr 50 bullets $30 Hornady interlock .308 150 gr 100 bullets $20 Hornady interlock.270130 gr sp 200 bullets $50 100 380 bullets unknown maker $10 Hornady XTP 9mm 115gr 100 bullets $15 Sierra.30 cal 150gr round nose 100 bullets $15 Lynman 12 piece shell holder set $25 this was bought used so it’s the most worn looking item Lee cutter and lock stud $5 Lee hand priming tools and shell holder set $25 Hornady 223 Remington series 1 2 die set full length $30 Hornady 270 Winchester series 1 2 die set full length $30 Hornady 9mm Luger 9x21 series 2 3 die set titanium nitride $40 Hornady 308 Winchester series 1 2 die set full length $30 Lee powder measured $30 Lyman reloading hand book 49th edition $25 Lee powder scale $25 Sierra rifle & handgun reloading data 8th edition $30 1- small Lee single stage reloader $25 1- medium Lee single stage reloader $50 If someone wants everything I Throw in a couple thousand rounds of once fired brass.380,9mm,.45,.308,.270,30-30,.223 $600 obo for all located in East Mesa
  8. Looks like he’s pulling them. Good job all.
  9. Great job everyone. Looks like he felt the heat. Hopefully he holds up to his word.
  10. Great point! Any body on here belong to any waterfowl groups. If so please share!
  11. Absolutely no reason why that I could find. Great idea on contacting the other reps. Says he’s an outdoorsman (Fly fishermen). please share in other outdoor groups. We need to fill his inbox. I also left a message when I called.
  12. District 6 Representative Bob Thorpe introduced 2 new bills. HB 2130 & 2131. the main changes are no hunting within a 100 yards of water and no use of trail cameras any where from July 31st to December 31st. I urge everyone to read the full proposed changes and let Mr. Thorpe know your thoughts. I was able to get his email address off the internet and send him a email expressing my concerns.
  13. azhunter23

    6A Snow update???

    Pm sent.
  14. azhunter23

    Road Closures for Coconino National Forest

    I’m in 6A archery hunting now and was up top last weekend and moved down. Heard this morning about closures up top and want to go see for myself. Units affected are 6A,5A and 5B. A number of trailers dropped off last weekend are getting lock in.
  15. azhunter23

    6a Muzzy bull

    Waiting on an update. Hopefully you guys had a great hunt! I’m sitting in the verde valley waiting for storms to pass to go setup camp for the late archery hunt tomorrow. Hiked 10 miles on the south end and Pulled 4 cards Monday and talked to 6 hunters that said they hadn’t seen anything. Had 50+ Different bulls hammering water in the last week on the cards. I’m sure that’s done now. 😢