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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    G&F voted: three calls are a thing of the past.

    You better not use a BofA card this time.
  2. The BP swarmed the draw we were in and brought 11 bales to the truck.
  3. We got in the middle of guys carrying 11 bales on Saturday.
  4. wish2hunt

    T Moble Arena in Vegas

    I went to his first show back in April. Nice place not a bad seat.
  5. wish2hunt

    300 win mag model 70

    it looks to me like it says it was.
  6. wish2hunt

    Rifle for 10 Year Old

    I bought my daughter a Remington in a 270 and it came with a youth and adult stock.
  7. wish2hunt

    best Sea food

    Is that a restaurant or strip bar?
  8. wish2hunt

    Election time is upon us

    we can't get that lucky!!!!
  9. wish2hunt

    Game Processor / Cooler near Patagonia or Sonoita???

    Gallon ziplock bags bone him out and put on ice takes up very little space and meat is fresh.
  10. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    so far in this thread theres been about 250 years of hunting experience and youve seen more lions than everyone combined thats posted so far, in just 12 years? you must be in the lion capital of the world, take meTake you? Ha I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a brush fireGiven my buddy Trophyhunter's alledged associations, probably already burns when he pees. I'm getting him a Pez that dispenses penicillin for dat.Lmfao, that's pretty clever.Yeah, but nobody wants a Robin headed pet dispener though. that would be creepy, specially if he's sporting a man bun.Oh how we can turn a topic around so quick.
  11. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    Don't ask don't tell!I didn't see anything.
  12. Only 26 left you better hurry and get yours.
  13. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    I have seen one in 35yrs.
  14. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    $75 for the out of stater like this guy. thats a couple lap dances at the desert flame after he killsWhat are they going for at the flame theses days. Haven't been there for a few years. i havent been in a while either but i heard a girl i went to school with works there so i might hit it up. Sounds like a fun trip
  15. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    Lap dance is better than lion tag.
  16. wish2hunt

    5a leftover hopi hunt

    Nope can't see it don't believe it.
  17. wish2hunt

    Lion tag?

    $75 for the out of stater like this guy. thats a couple lap dances at the desert flame after he killsWhat are they going for at the flame theses days. Haven't been there for a few years.
  18. I bought 10 yesterday and 10 more today. I have done my part.
  19. wish2hunt

    Late Unit 9 Elk Hunt

    It sure wasn't what I was expecting.
  20. wish2hunt

    Lost bull

    If you ever get to watch them fight, I'm sure more than a guy thinks!
  21. wish2hunt

    Late Unit 9 Elk Hunt

    It looked a little better than average. I think.
  22. wish2hunt

    Illegals and Bears

    If the packs are from illegals, maybe the Bears are getting hooked on what's in them.
  23. wish2hunt

    hanging baited trail cams

    That would be one ugly sign with her face on it.