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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Gohunt insider

    Where do you find that?
  2. wish2hunt

    Anyone driving to Phoenix from Sierra Vista soon

    If it was the weekend it would be a good bike ride.
  3. wish2hunt

    OHV Designation and Emissions Testing?

    They are ate up with dumb butt there.
  4. wish2hunt

    Trophy and Meat Care? Gutless?

    Or at least not trying to eat it.
  5. wish2hunt

    1998 Dodge Cummins 12-Valve

    Probably more than you can handle.
  6. wish2hunt

    Work Sharp FS 60$

    Thats to high for my blood.
  7. wish2hunt

    Work Sharp FS 60$

    2 bucks then.
  8. wish2hunt

    Rare Presidential Collectible

    That should be well worth swaros 15's
  9. wish2hunt

    Hope to see this guy in person

    Where did you get that pic and we will go help locate him for you?
  10. wish2hunt

    Hope to see this guy in person

    I was too. 🙁🙁
  11. wish2hunt

    Hope to see this guy in person

    What guy?
  12. wish2hunt

    Hunts for Heroes - Desert Bighorn hunt

    It's nice to see that there are people out there to step up for a deserving man like Neil. Thanks for your service Neil. Thanks man.
  13. wish2hunt

    Hunts for Heroes - Desert Bighorn hunt

    Thats awsome that someone stepped up and did that.
  14. wish2hunt

    Long road leads to my first deer

    Way to go great job.
  15. I will agree with wrk2hnt great bunch of guys awsome job and was a pleasure to meet the hunter.
  16. wish2hunt

    Another taxidermy nightmare

    knock his teeth out is only a start. Let everyone know what kind of service he provides will do him good.
  17. wish2hunt

    Another taxidermy nightmare

    I bet Wellers in Tucson could fix them.
  18. wish2hunt

    Free ammo

    I will take the 300 wby.
  19. wish2hunt

    How close to buildings

    I have never heard of a 1/4 mile from a paved road?
  20. wish2hunt

    Christmas day hauls - what'd you guys get?

    I can only think of one better gift to get, and you'll be getting that shortly. My wife and I also did that when she was pregnant with our son. Thats some of the best money ever spent. The photographer asked my daughter to kiss mommy's tummy, she went a little freelance on it and we got what may be my favorite picture I've ever seen. 10925506_1561463997455584_7850040601196969095_o.jpeg You can't beat those moments.
  21. wish2hunt

    Christmas day hauls - what'd you guys get?

    I got a Browning o/u. My wife is the best.
  22. wish2hunt

    Santa Clause is on his way

    He must be real.
  23. wish2hunt

    Have you seen this big boy

    Why don't we all guess the score of your ram and change that?