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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Queen Creek Archery Shop

    Where is it?
  2. wish2hunt

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    My wife shot her bull Monday afternoon and we found it Wednesday afternoon and it was running down the hill. It was all I could do to cut his head off.
  3. wish2hunt

    When Are The Results Normally Posted?

    Sometime between now and august.
  4. wish2hunt

    Fine BobCat

    I was thinking same thing. Face looks different to me... Looks like it has a white chest though.
  5. wish2hunt

    2015 Polaris Ranger 4x4

    Looks really clean.
  6. wish2hunt

    saturday in the park.....

    That front one is going to be a good one
  7. wish2hunt


    That took some planning
  8. wish2hunt

    Mountain Lion

    Nice mount
  9. wish2hunt

    Church thread Nuked

    Were you drinking again bob?
  10. wish2hunt

    Church thread Nuked

    Your only 60 bob. Lighten up, maybe trphyhntr could take you hog huntin at denim and diamonds. idk about that but theres an asian massage behind my house that would be good.Where do you live?
  11. wish2hunt

    Marriage Retreat this weekend

    lmfao you guys kill me. if i had a wife id totally be there, sounds like an absolute blast. but i dont, so ill have to settle for going to the river and looking at titties all weekend Can I go?
  12. wish2hunt

    Lots of bears!!

    I love the color. Nice bear
  13. wish2hunt

    Public Range Frustration

    That's why they call it a public range.
  14. wish2hunt

    Stolen Lives 5

    Someone needs to step up and do it.
  15. wish2hunt

    What could this be?

    Indian pot
  16. wish2hunt

    Sonoran Hot Dog/Chorizo Contest

    What is in the little bag beside the dogs?
  17. wish2hunt

    Sonoran Hot Dog/Chorizo Contest

    Sorry, it's the 24th, a saturday...Now we are talking, in going to try to make that.
  18. wish2hunt

    Sonoran Hot Dog/Chorizo Contest

    That sounds good, wish it was on the weekend.
  19. wish2hunt

    Colorado Rainbows

    Looks like a lot of fun and nice fish.
  20. wish2hunt

    How early is to early

    Look for old rubbed trees from years past, they will be back.
  21. wish2hunt

    Striper madness

    Sounds like a blast to me.
  22. wish2hunt

    On my way to work this morning

    Lucky you
  23. wish2hunt

    Trico power outage?

    I bite the bullet for 3 months and keep mine @77