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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    Lets go and take some pics so we can post them.
  2. wish2hunt

    Card Hits

    Call and get your pending charges.
  3. wish2hunt

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    So now tell us how you really feel!
  4. wish2hunt

    Miserable Elk

    I had elk cross the road at Mt. Ord about ten years ago.
  5. wish2hunt

    Lets see your best

    After seeing all of these big bucks I hope I get a tag this year.
  6. wish2hunt

    Big day tomorrow

    How about BIG BUCK?
  7. wish2hunt

    Big day tomorrow

    24 oz. Of bacardi 151 should let you rest easey.I don't know if that would help me sleep tonight. And I won't be any good at work tomorrow
  8. wish2hunt

    Credit card hits

    The game and fish updated the draw status to 40%
  9. wish2hunt

    Credit card hits

    I will call and wake you when they start hitting if you would like.
  10. wish2hunt

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I also heard this. The one hunter who didn't kill? You guessed it! It's the guy who started this thread!!! I'm guessing that 11 out of the 12 hunters who had this last tag would support Russ and his crew if you took a vote and I know after my hunt all 12 were very appreciative of everything and only 6 of us killed. So far in this thread there have been atleast 4-5 hunters who have ACTUALLY hunted up there that were happy about the way things went and 1 (again the OP who was the only one to not kill on the last hunt) who is pissed about the operation. I'd say that's pretty hard evidence that it's as good of a solution as there is for this hunt. Not pissed yote. just dont believe in one guy operating the whole system. I wanted to start this forum to inform of how the hunt really is. but somehow someway this thing got way off track, guess thats what usually happens on this site.Some how, some way . . . Probably had nothing to do with you pouting about him not inviting your friend to lunch. Regardless, today is a new day. Tomorrow the hopes and dreams of countless numbers will be dashed while a select few live out their dreams. But today we all have hope; today we can all dream. Tonight is my last night of 2017 that I can believe that a sheep tag is a possibility. So tonight I will dream. You have too sleep to dream. I won't be able to sleep tonight.
  11. wish2hunt

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I also heard this. The one hunter who didn't kill? You guessed it! It's the guy who started this thread!!! I'm guessing that 11 out of the 12 hunters who had this last tag would support Russ and his crew if you took a vote and I know after my hunt all 12 were very appreciative of everything and only 6 of us killed. So far in this thread there have been atleast 4-5 hunters who have ACTUALLY hunted up there that were happy about the way things went and 1 (again the OP who was the only one to not kill on the last hunt) who is pissed about the operation. I'd say that's pretty hard evidence that it's as good of a solution as there is for this hunt. Not pissed yote. just dont believe in one guy operating the whole system. I wanted to start this forum to inform of how the hunt really is. but somehow someway this thing got way off track, guess thats what usually happens on this site.Dont knock this site it's a great site. Just a lot of oppions.
  12. wish2hunt

    Most Memorable Coues

    All of the 36A leftover hunts with my wife.
  13. wish2hunt

    Credit card hits

    Tomorrow by 8:30
  14. wish2hunt

    Fishing Outfit Rant

    I agree with what you said about trying to work with people. It's people like you that I like doing business with.
  15. wish2hunt

    Big day tomorrow

    I'm so excited!!!🙏🤑
  16. wish2hunt

    Lets see your best

    holy smokesHers is the bigger one.
  17. wish2hunt

    Lets see your best

    Mine and my daughters best bucks.
  18. I haven't been pulled over in 30 years. My daughter just did the course online and told me there were hidden costs that nearly tripled the advertised price. Still better than surrendering your Saturday to sit in a class all day only to have some buffoon raise his hand every 15 minutes to ask a question or tell a story..And there is one or two of them in every class.
  19. wish2hunt

    Hog hunting Independence ranch texas

    That would be funny.
  20. It's my understanding you can't take the class if you have a CDL.
  21. wish2hunt

    Forest service shot at

    They run in packs down there!