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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Coues or Mule

    Looks all coues to me
  2. wish2hunt

    World series tickets,

    This opportunity doesn’t come along very often
  3. wish2hunt

    Spring draw?

    I thank my lucky stars mine never turned away from wanting to hunt with me!
  4. wish2hunt

    Spring draw?

    Yes this morning, by 8:30
  5. wish2hunt

    Easton's first hunt

    Good job. I figured he would be hooked.
  6. wish2hunt

    Caliches first deer hunt

    Congrats on a cool buck
  7. wish2hunt

    Interesting grid

    The poor deer
  8. wish2hunt

    Interesting grid

    Pecker shot
  9. wish2hunt


    He must have called in sick for work
  10. wish2hunt

    36b october hunt

    Better take lots of sun screen
  11. wish2hunt


    Same hear
  12. wish2hunt

    Anything I should know before buying a trager?

    I have the pit boss and would recommend it.
  13. wish2hunt

    AZ Lifetime Hunting license

    Vowell is correct
  14. wish2hunt

    Unit 8 Pronghorn

    My dad hunted the west end of unit. Seen lots of antelope
  15. wish2hunt

    A thank you to AZGFD

    Stupid comment?
  16. wish2hunt

    A thank you to AZGFD

    Well someone has to take the blame.
  17. wish2hunt

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Drinking again. You better get your guide for your doe hunts before the good ones are gone. And I don’t remember asking for your thoughts
  18. wish2hunt

    What's for dinner tonight?

    You mean you're sad?
  19. wish2hunt

    Arrow weight

    Accuracy is way more important than weight and speed are.
  20. wish2hunt

    What's for dinner tonight?

    On his right?
  21. wish2hunt

    Incorrect Dates for OTC Deer...

    Yes he used some hunting app, he killed a deer and self reported
  22. wish2hunt

    Unit 10 Youth deer hunt

    Didn’t forget to come back and ask for more info.
  23. wish2hunt

    Unit 10 Youth deer hunt

    How could anyone think any different??
  24. wish2hunt

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

    We have had a few posts where dogs were returned to owners
  25. wish2hunt


    Don’t forget lost phone