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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Fall on the Peaks

    Wow that is some nice pics.
  2. wish2hunt

    Spring results

    Sounds like BofA?
  3. wish2hunt

    Spring results

    My card has been hit for 3 pig tags.
  4. wish2hunt


    Why does this say FOUND?
  5. wish2hunt

    Hunter's First

    Congrats, sometimes it’s not easy to get that first one. Way to hang in there.
  6. wish2hunt

    Bear rug prices !!!!! Need help please

    No worries here with theses guys.
  7. wish2hunt

    This new forum layout

    I have been getting on less and less. About the only time I do get on is to see if there are any new bulls posted.
  8. wish2hunt

    Unit 8 updated with pic

    Thats a really cool buck
  9. wish2hunt

    What is the best Couse unit in AZ

    But it’s his first post?
  10. wish2hunt

    new draw format sucks

    I haven’t tried putting in yet, why are you saying it’s worse?
  11. wish2hunt

    ear tag on a cow elk

  12. wish2hunt

    Flying Bulls of Unit 10

    That is a heck of a pic there.
  13. wish2hunt

    Band Tailed Pigeons

    They taste great, not many of them and they they fly like bullets.
  14. wish2hunt

    Hitchhiking Quail

    That was a baby dove.
  15. wish2hunt

    This new forum layout

    I still don’t like it.
  16. wish2hunt

    Any bulls down

    Nice bull congrats.
  17. wish2hunt

    Unknown scat

  18. wish2hunt

    Unknown scat

    They are!
  19. wish2hunt

    Grizzly hunt cancelled

    Can’t help stupid people.
  20. wish2hunt

    Any bulls down

    Weak backs is better than setting at home in September.
  21. wish2hunt

    Are there any decent bucks in unit 39?

    No they are all gone.
  22. wish2hunt

    Just a little overkill

    No tracking involved.
  23. wish2hunt

    Have you seen or know this guy?

  24. wish2hunt

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    Who was the guide?