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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Need help, Clever pest control company names.

    It doesn’t have the same ring to it when there is not a closed season for bugs.
  2. wish2hunt


    Robbie Ray is the first starter that needs to go. His pitch count is way to high and the bull pen has to come in to early.
  3. wish2hunt

    What do you think this bull will score?

    How the heck does that feel?
  4. wish2hunt

    Popcorn thread

    Don’t forget about cameras.
  5. wish2hunt

    Leftover tags Tucson office

    And even fewer tags this year.
  6. wish2hunt

    Deer Tags

    If you haven’t got it in the mail yet you probably are not getting one
  7. wish2hunt

    Leftover tags Tucson office

    There won’t be any left at that point.
  8. wish2hunt

    Raffle bull

    Taking the raffle bulls glory.
  9. wish2hunt

    Raffle bull

    It will be a tough hunt.
  10. Do you really think their feathers would deflect an arrow?
  11. wish2hunt

    Any Nice Hoyt or Mathews bows for sale?

    Someone on here had a Z7 for sale. See if you can find him. Great bow
  12. wish2hunt

    Leftover Shrinkage

    We can all blame Trump for less leftover tags.
  13. wish2hunt

    please delete

    I figured he rode bareback.
  14. wish2hunt

    Sheep tag, would of never guessed

    If you need any help on the drinking and gambling let me know I can show you some good starting spots. Congrats on the tag.
  15. wish2hunt

    WTB Elk sheds

    Where do you live
  16. wish2hunt

    sheep horn growth this year

    Somewhere in that area!
  17. wish2hunt


    Have you picked out a new bow yet? A 400 bull shouldn’t be to hard to find, they are pretty much everywhere in 23N. You have done the hard part. Getting drawn that is. The last tag that I drew in a unit and it was in a unit that I knew I started going up in April looking around.
  18. wish2hunt

    sheep horn growth this year

    With the rain we had this past winter they should put on a good 1/4-1/2 inch in length.
  19. wish2hunt

    sheep horn growth this year

    I have had 2 in that amount of time.
  20. wish2hunt

    Divorce, Time & Change

    It’s only a 3 yr old post
  21. wish2hunt

    Lets get it started

    Within the next 30 min.
  22. wish2hunt

    Love snakes, but not these ones!!!!

    What size shoes are those?
  23. wish2hunt

    Woodbury Fire

    They can make their circle bigger now. It is the 5th biggest now.
  24. wish2hunt

    Where's The CC Hit Time Thread

    7:43 am Friday
  25. wish2hunt

    Where is I?????

    Looks like FourPeaks in the background.