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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Sell or keep

    He is back!
  2. Would someone tell him which rock to set on or which tree to lean against. Please
  3. wish2hunt

    Sell or keep

    So you are saying he lost and you are keeping it?
  4. I didn’t hear you asking for help. I hear you asking for where to hunt. Road numbers. That’s more like 75/25 of the business.
  5. wish2hunt

    Tag Surrender/Point Guard=No Bonus Point?

    Or we didn’t get enough rain and horn growth was bad.
  6. Good luck on your buck hunt. Start scouting early
  7. wish2hunt

    Post up your success in tags

    That’s as good as number 1. congrats
  8. wish2hunt

    Post up your success in tags

    I got better luck next year.
  9. wish2hunt

    Credit Card Hit

    Can’t be tags left for the 3rd 4th and 5th with those choices.
  10. wish2hunt

    I HATE AZGFD online system!!!!!

    I sucks the way they charge the credit cards to begin with. They really need to figure a better system. Good luck to everyone
  11. wish2hunt

    Please Block This Pill Peddling Clown!

  12. wish2hunt

    Unit 10 cows

    Maybe he likes them.
  13. wish2hunt


    Anything you can hit them with.
  14. wish2hunt

    Two men's rings

    Trphyhntr will buy them now.
  15. wish2hunt

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    Hope the kids don’t read how you are inviting people over to fight about it!
  16. wish2hunt

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    They don’t have to read it. They just have to watch the morning news and see some bad sh!$ there.
  17. wish2hunt

    Broke ankle in 16A need help

    Just like a big buck or bull. Pics or it didn’t happen. Lol Glad you made it out safe.
  18. wish2hunt

    The real Bloomberg

    I’m afraid this guy is trouble.
  19. wish2hunt

    CC hits

    Any day now.
  20. wish2hunt

    Prayer my son Enoch

    Good luck and I’m sure everything will be fine. Kids are tough.
  21. wish2hunt

    Which cow Hunt? 5a or 6a? (other?)

    4b is a good quality trophy cow hunt.
  22. wish2hunt


    I will offer $50 bones
  23. wish2hunt

    Another combining apps question

    Yes, I like to see the kids hunting. My daughter got her pig yesterday.
  24. wish2hunt

    Another combining apps question

    Just do not allow anyone with less points to apply with you.
  25. wish2hunt

    Popcorn thread continues on MonsterMuleys>com

    Wonder which one is nobull?