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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Now this is funny.

    Pretty well put. To bad he wasn’t involved in their judgement.
  2. wish2hunt

    Chineese seeds being mailed out.

    And Biden will invite them to keep bringing.
  3. wish2hunt

    Sheep Clinic

    No it’s more about sheep than ducks.
  4. wish2hunt

    Raffle bull

    When a bull scores 435” you don’t need to make it look bigger!
  5. wish2hunt

    Raffle bull

  6. wish2hunt

    Heber/Overgaard Poaching Case Article

    No bull is proud of him.
  7. wish2hunt

    Leftover tag

    It’s pretty clear in the regs how the process works!
  8. wish2hunt

    Popcorn thread

    Probably not many!
  9. wish2hunt

    So this is a first

    36a has a few of those that I have found.
  10. wish2hunt

    What am i?

    Missile from White Sands?
  11. wish2hunt

    Left Over List

    Where did you hear about only fans?
  12. wish2hunt

    Left Over List

    No you don’t.
  13. wish2hunt

    Left Over List

    They gave all permits out on first go around. No left overs for 2020!
  14. wish2hunt

    Turkey Load

    31/2 #6 deadly comb. 🦃
  15. wish2hunt

    Free rooster

    What was backpage?
  16. wish2hunt

    Polles fire (west of Payson) Helicopter down.

    Did you get any rain in the area today?
  17. wish2hunt

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Probably going to need snow shoes.
  18. wish2hunt

    Tag Numbers are Released

    If you got drawn there is a tag number
  19. wish2hunt

    46A East?

    My daughters was really red.
  20. wish2hunt

    46A East?

    Beautiful red horns there.
  21. wish2hunt

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    I’m glad they closed it. Could save a lot of nice country.
  22. wish2hunt

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    Go to Payson or Star Valley.
  23. wish2hunt

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    Hopefully soon
  24. wish2hunt

    Only 1 hour until cards start getting hit

    And the season opens when it is best for him.
  25. wish2hunt

    Bull Elk Tag Transfer

    You knew you had the Elk tag when you applied for deer with so few days off work.