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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt

    Codyhuntsaz aka Cody Smith has passed away

    So sad to hear
  2. wish2hunt

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    You join and 12 min later you are asking for info. That is what’s wrong with people on here
  3. wish2hunt

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    That is a great pic
  4. wish2hunt

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Great ram and it was a great time, I appreciate letting me be part of your special hunt. Thank you
  5. wish2hunt

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    I’m waiting for the day
  6. wish2hunt

    Shockey’s sheep

    heck yeah you are getting drawn and we are going to get you a stud ram
  7. wish2hunt

    Anyone Dove Hunt Today?

    Looks like you got a Whitewing, don’t normally see them this time of year
  8. wish2hunt

    Whats my score

    👍 I will be there.
  9. wish2hunt

    Whats my score

    If you get a sheep tag I will donate my time to you.
  10. wish2hunt

    Whats my score

    Why does it matter if he paid any money or not? His tag his hunt, and he killed a heck of a buck.
  11. wish2hunt

    Any late rifle 5b advise?

    If you go north you get out of the pines
  12. wish2hunt

    Whats my score

    I could see that deer going 200+, with the mass and what extras he has. Great buck
  13. wish2hunt

    Taxidermist Recommendation?

    Wellers in Tucson is worth the drive. He has done 2 for me
  14. wish2hunt


    I think sportsman’s in Mesa has one.
  15. wish2hunt

    Your thought pls

    It’s all most time for the season to start and he doesn’t know where they were drawn? He isn’t real
  16. wish2hunt

    More youth success

    Mid to upper 90’s?
  17. wish2hunt

    WTB O/U

    I have a 20 that I might part with
  18. wish2hunt

    WTB O/U

    You looking for 20 or 12 ga?
  19. wish2hunt

    36A hunts

    The best way to familiarize yourself with an area is to go check it out. Not asking where to go