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Everything posted by wish2hunt

  1. wish2hunt


    There is just about as many illegals as deer!!!!
  2. wish2hunt

    Online App

    You better check with her first, she might change her mind by next year.
  3. wish2hunt

    19A Turkey Success

    What a cutie!!!
  4. wish2hunt

    Just had to vent

    im with you all the way.
  5. I drew a 2nd hunt rocky tag and we harvested better Rams than the 1st hunt. Plenty of Rams so splitting the hunt up isn't that bad of a deal.
  6. wish2hunt

    Anyone have a defibrillator?

    Hang in there and keep your head up for your son. And good luck and get well soon.
  7. wish2hunt

    Does AZGFD sell our info

    Whats your issue with making a very small, insignificant fee for providing a service that benefits other people who are also trying to make money? I am happy to have people who are making money from hunting and fishing paying more of the cost to manage wildlife. Seems like a strange thing to be upset about. You don't think the 13.00 per app is enough?
  8. wish2hunt

    Does AZGFD sell our info

    I understand that is the only way of getting a list of successful applicants. But i don't agree with g&f making more money off of us.
  9. wish2hunt

    Desert vs Rocky Mountain

    and by then you will need 12 more.
  10. wish2hunt

    who is excited for deer already?

    I am always excited for deer.
  11. wish2hunt

    Need a pool guy and landscaper

    You looking for one with six pack abs?
  12. wish2hunt

    How Big?

  13. wish2hunt

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    There's more elk south of the 260 though!!!Might want to try the south side later into the hunt!
  14. wish2hunt

    Tips for archery cow elk 4B? Never been..

    I would hunt north of the 260.
  15. wish2hunt

    2015 Late Bull Video

    Not a bad video if not for the music
  16. wish2hunt

    The Portal

    I think if they can put them on the portal they should be available on phone and website!!!!
  17. wish2hunt

    They. Are. Up!

    Game and fish can only do one thing at a time.
  18. wish2hunt

    AZGFD portal

    Two unit 9 archery for me and wife.
  19. wish2hunt

    Portal Results Available

    Two unit 9 archery tags for my wife and I. Woo hoo!
  20. wish2hunt

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    I agree with you 100% They have never charged cards up front and issued refunds. There is an AZ law against that.Yup. Still baffles me so many people don't know this. And the whole racking up "interest" deal. It'd be nice to see this law changed to allow them to charge cards up front. Seems it'd avoid a lot of problems. I know how it works and it doesn't work very good. They have to change something or it will never get better. Almost 2 weeks after charging cards and still no results.
  21. wish2hunt

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    And some don't care as much as others!
  22. wish2hunt

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    I agree with you 100%
  23. wish2hunt

    G&F page....somethings happening!

    And probably will again this year if they are lucky.