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Everything posted by LovinthehuntAz

  1. LovinthehuntAz

    San Carlos Elk hunt???

    Ran into Homer Stevens two weeks ago he was in for the day at big o tires getting hunting rig serviced ! He told me they had killed four Bulls over 400 and still had a hunter left that was after a huge bull over 420 !
  2. LovinthehuntAz

    Tuning Question

    I would always retune the who bow after switching things up better safe then sorry imo
  3. LovinthehuntAz

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    Thanks for sharing that great messege ! I have four young daughters and wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world! You're daughter is very lucky to have a dad that will always love her in this life and the next! Happy Father's Day !
  4. Is it telling you the cc number is invalid
  5. LovinthehuntAz

    Newbie turkey hunter

    Wow hard to believe !!!
  6. LovinthehuntAz

    Looking for Minox 15x58

    I have a pair I'll be willing to sale pm me if you wanna make a deal thx !
  7. LovinthehuntAz

    24 A Mule Deer

    Just hope none of the locals get drawn we pound it out pretty good!!
  8. LovinthehuntAz

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    One mean looking Tom right there !! Very cool
  9. LovinthehuntAz

    BIGGEST pig you've seen? (Pics)

    Piglet!! I've seen smaller takin in the field!!
  10. LovinthehuntAz

    MY THEORY! O_o

    I agree they just vanished from my hot spots this year!!!
  11. LovinthehuntAz

    My lethal little girl

    Love it!!
  12. LovinthehuntAz


    Ruts on in most higher elevation units for sure the lower units or lower country of units is just stating imo
  13. LovinthehuntAz

    My first coues deer!

    Sweet bro! What a cool buck. Baby chy sure has the hunting figured out!!
  14. LovinthehuntAz

    spring javi archery OTC question?

    We kill a piggy in 37b every time we get the left overs...
  15. LovinthehuntAz

    Toyo M/T 295 70 R17 like new

    What kind of trades?I have guns . Some cash . Lion dogs ... haha but really i do would u trade to help u put a cat down this winter?
  16. LovinthehuntAz

    units for draw

    Reverse it!! N you will do.good
  17. LovinthehuntAz

    Free to **GOOD-HUNTING** Home

    What part of az is jessi located
  18. LovinthehuntAz


    I will take it
  19. LovinthehuntAz

    Is this someone baiting? (Pictures)

    Grow!!! Take youre side arm next time you go in there!!
  20. LovinthehuntAz

    AZ Unit 33 Late

    Hike away from the roads n glass glass glass you will see deer!! Big bucks still are in the unit!!
  21. LovinthehuntAz

    Archery Deer

    Nice rides miss riding the country !! Thx for sharing
  22. Was just trying to get some of your guys thoughts on the hunt! I know its a great hunt.
  23. LovinthehuntAz

    Bears with hounds

    Sweet glad your doing good !! You get the box finished yet been chasing a few toms around here !! Need some help lol
  24. LovinthehuntAz

    Bears with hounds

    Bad dude... how did the salazar blood do??