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Everything posted by merica

  1. merica

    Late Hunt - Rutting???

    Well said Stanley: there aren’t many better ways to spend time with family, than in the outdoors. Have fun and keep us posted!
  2. merica

    Late Hunt - Rutting???

    One day before I die we’ll put this old wive’s tale to rest once and for all...the correlation of rutting and temperature is purely coincidental. It has 100% to do with daylight (aka “photoperiod”).
  3. merica

    Swaro Tripod adapter

    Do you still have this for sale and can you pm me please? I tried to send you a message but it stated you cannot receive messages...
  4. merica

    Minox 15x58

  5. merica

    Minox 15x58

    I hate to see these go, but I find myself almost exclusively using my 10x due to the wider field of view. I bought these brand new from Jim White in 2007. I'm no optics dealer but I honestly can't tell a difference between these and my dad's Swarovski 15x56…these binos are crystal clear! Last used on a pronghorn hunt in 2012. $600