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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    Video of Natives Hunting With Spears

    Serious? I think it's sort of awesome. Considering the spear has been around for 300,000 years. These guys havent evolved very far. I understand your thoughts about the weapon being around for centuries. This is what they had to hunt with. We have evolved tho to be a better hunter and have developed weapons that make us more efficient so animals don't have to suffer. I love animals and hunt them any time I can but i try to make a clean, quick kill. I don't think any animals should suffer other than cockroaches and the political party that has ruined this country.
  2. murfys69law

    Video of Natives Hunting With Spears

    Pretty sad an animal has to die like that.
  3. murfys69law

    Anyone need help or a tag alon unit 4a?

  4. murfys69law

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    I to a point understand what the OP was trying to make. Maybe the words were a little harsh and whinny. I feel most if not all hunters on this site are ETHICAL as well as accomplished hunters. I had a guy ask for help one time to get an elk he shot during bow season. Didn't know him, he just came to my camp and asked. During the recovery I asked if he had seen any other bulls and he began to piss me off so bad I almost left him there with his nice 6x6 but I knew it would have gone to waste as he had no way of getting it out by himself. He proceeded to tell me he hit a 6x7 the day before and was tracking it cuz he didn't make a good shot. While doing this he came on another 6x6 and missed him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from this scum bag and called him on it. Why are you shooting at other animals with one wounded? He said he really didn't think it was that good of a hit and it would be fine. Unethical? Dam straight it was!!!! Legal? Yes but not right to do IMO. So I do understand the OP but maybe not right for him to take pot shots at members here. JMO
  5. murfys69law

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    .270, You always know the right thing to say. I did however just spit coffee out my nose and that hurts!!!
  6. murfys69law

    It finally happened!!!

    Great deer. He is truly a stud and you should be very proud of him and yourself!
  7. murfys69law

    Species ID please?

    THAT IS A "RANCH RATTLESNAKE" They call them that cuz when fried they are great to dip in ranch dressing.
  8. murfys69law

    Gwen Hughes

    Sure sorry to hear of your loss. Mentors and great friends like that are hard to come by. Just remember the good times and we will ALL meet again in heaven.
  9. Anyone else hear that G&F just closed unit 10 bull elk to ALL out of state hunters this year??? Sure glad that doesn't affect MY resident tag.
  10. That one is just Bobs size. Perfect!!!
  11. Is one of those toads for Bob???
  12. murfys69law

    3a tag and now a little regret.

    In a way I can understand the OP. I used to hunt the same ole spot in Colorado for years. Didn't hunt it for a while and went back only to find Texans had bought about 50 sections and closed it all off. Research I guess is a must or you will run into this everywhere.
  13. Well, As luck would have it we got the storm we didn't need tonight. 14000 without power in east valley and its' still blowing to beat heII at my house. BYE BYE birds.
  14. OMG..You have a honey hole that is awesome. Great pics Sir.
  15. murfys69law

    A few critters saying "cheese"

    GREAT pics!! Ty for sharing.
  16. murfys69law


    I have seen several pics of guys doing this. Most have been from overdraw situations. I really don't know how the last pic happened unless he really didn't like the guy. OUCH!!!!!
  17. murfys69law

    Lost Lieca Binoculars

    That really sucks!! Hope he gets them back. There are still a lot of honest people in the world. Hope whomever finds them is one.
  18. murfys69law

    2015 AZ Archery Mule Deer non typical

    Great looking buck!! Congrats.
  19. murfys69law

    Spot & Stalk goat down...

    Great buck!! Congrats.
  20. murfys69law


    27, 4A, 4B, and 1 in Gypsum Col. and hopefully a big one in unit ten this year.
  21. murfys69law

    My first Antelope tag and I was able to fill it!

    Congrats on a very hard to get with a bow animal. You put in the time and effort and should be very proud of this fine animal.
  22. murfys69law

    Wood Coolers

    AWESOME looking coolers!! Great work.
  23. Love the pics Sir. Thanks!!
  24. murfys69law

    Archery Coues

    Great job on ALL the kills!! I'm really liking the mule in the pic. Looks like it is a big healthy longear.
  25. murfys69law

    Today was a good day!

    Both of those are great animals!! Congrats.