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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    Is it Legal to use a fox pro to call for elk?

    show me where it is illegal! only illegal for migratory birds. James Are you saying that if you use a fox-pro for doves it is illegal? Never even heard of a call for them.
  2. murfys69law

    Replaceable blade knives

    Outdoor edge. Thicker blades and they have changed the design from a few years ago.
  3. murfys69law


    They say if convicted of this new statute he could face life in prison. He should be shot for desertion. All the others that died trying to find him should be awarded a medal and their families taken care of for life.
  4. Excellent buck. Congrats!
  5. murfys69law

    Is it Legal to use a fox pro to call for elk?

    I'm not sure but I think it would be. You're not baiting or using anything else but a call.
  6. murfys69law

    SPF---Remington Wingmaster

    Best all around shotgun there is. I have had mine for 30 years. GL with the sale.
  7. murfys69law

    Backyard bobcat family on a kill...

    That is way cool. Thanks for sharing.
  8. murfys69law

    Kaibab Buck

    Very nice buck. Congrats
  9. murfys69law

    Last Camera Check before Juniors Archery Bull Tag

    Awesome pics. GOOD LUCK!
  10. murfys69law

    Anyone see something like this before?

    DON KING OF ELK??????
  11. murfys69law

    Anyone get one yet today?????

    By far that is one of the cleanest stud bucks I have seen. Congrats
  12. murfys69law

    Big Antelope Down!

    Super bucks!! Congrats to you and Dan
  13. Big hearty congrats to you and a good job to Shane. Adam who has helped a lot of people here. Long range wasn't needed I see. 150yrds is awesome.
  14. murfys69law


    This is happening again???
  15. murfys69law


  16. murfys69law


    Freedom from stupid questions
  17. murfys69law

    Amanda.... please give me a call

    That's awesome you are doing this Winmag. We need to help our WW and disabled kids as much as we can. Kudos to you and your friend!!!
  18. murfys69law

    Hunting within city limits?

    I have hunted inside city limits as well as around farm fields that were not posted. 1/4 mile away from buildings. Go back the next year and it's closed. Talked to the farmer and he says it would not be a problem if the hunters would just pick up their shell casings and trash. They didn't so he posted it and that was that! Please don't leave your crap laying there. I lost a good hunt spot because of idiot hunters.
  19. murfys69law


    Both deer in my avatar were taken with a .270 and my own reloads. Jack O'Connor new a thing or 2 about rifles.
  20. murfys69law

    Cold Weather Sleeping Bag?

    Never buy another bag after my elkhunter!! Best one around!!
  21. murfys69law

    My archery buck

    Super deer. CONGRATS!!
  22. murfys69law


    I just bought a new coues rifle. Hope to fill my tag this year with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=GcEvBwMKZ9s
  23. murfys69law

    Using a heater in tent...

    As for using it in the kodiak, do you keep the vent on top of the tent open or a window slightly open?? YES!!!
  24. murfys69law

    Need a Bow for my Elk Hunt

    Ya'll think his lion is bad??????? Check these fine pieces of work out!! I'm still in tears from laughing!!! It even has a Donald Trump owl.
  25. murfys69law

    Video of Natives Hunting With Spears

    Its not pleasant, but still a lot more merciful than lions, bears and especially wolves. Ever seen a wolf kill? They just pile up on the critter and dig in, start eating it while its still alive. Wolves are the Robert Downey jr of the animal world. Yes I have. I worked the 4 Drag ranch with Dean Warren on Eagle creek and have seen several wolf kills. It's not pleasant.