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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    6b day seven bulls

    Looks good you two. That pick of you together. Was there some alcohol involved? Way to go boys.
  2. murfys69law

    Heeler pups

    Great looking pups. I would get one right now but I have 3 and my wife would be carrying my heuvos in her purse. Good luck with sale.
  3. murfys69law

    2 bucks

    270 their butt!!! Nice bucks
  4. murfys69law

    Growling Elk? Thoughts?

    Why do I read your posts. Everytime I end up spit something I'm drinking through my nose. You are a piece of work!!
  5. murfys69law

    1/2 and 1/2

    Very nice bucks. You should be happy with either one.
  6. murfys69law

    A shout out to my friends

    Just wanted to say congrats to "5guyshunting" and "bigEinAZ" who filled there early bull tags yesterday. Both got 6 pointers and made great shots. Good job guys and way to stick it out till the end. Hopefully pics coming soon from them.
  7. murfys69law

    Unreal as it lay

    The good lord works in mysterious ways. Me thinks your pic is better tho. Beautiful
  8. murfys69law

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    First big deer I killed in 91' I was so proud of him after taking 8 before him but not what I was looking for. 6 years of looking at him on the wall and finally someone told me he was about a 170 deer. Ok. that's cool. I shot him cuz I thought he was a trophy to me. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or measures.
  9. murfys69law

    Dream Season!

    That's what it's all about there guys. Great job and super bulls!!!!!
  10. murfys69law

    Did you ever notice?

    Ever think this might be the reason??????????????? A classic POS. As Yoda would say, The "Muslim force is strong with this one"
  11. How'd ya like waking up with that shill idiot voice every morning? Note to self" Pray this woman gets lock jaw!
  12. murfys69law

    A shout out to my friends

    I talked to them this morning and was told they passed a few and may have second thoughts about it but they finally closed the deal with 1 bull early morning yesterday and the other yesterday evening.
  13. murfys69law

    31 days till its open "naturebob"

    Congrats Bob. Hope you are satisfied with your bull. Waiting for pics.
  14. murfys69law

    Called in bull

    Awesome video. Thanks for sharing.
  15. murfys69law

    Az Bull

    Very nice! way to get er' done.
  16. murfys69law

    Unit 1 Bull tag filled

    That is awesome Donkey. Good for you!. Family and friends are a big part of life.
  17. murfys69law

    440 bull

    That is definitely a toad bull!!!
  18. murfys69law

    2015 Archery Bull

    Excellent bull. Great job!!
  19. murfys69law

    Preventing Game Meat from Spoiling

    Yes it does. Besides, a little fly chit never hurt anyone.
  20. murfys69law

    Good sized bucks?

    Honestly, If you don't take one of them. someone else will. Depends on what you are looking for. They are young but respectable bucks. Not big ones by any means.
  21. murfys69law

    Flagstaff help

    YEAH!!!! Waiting to hear if he hit it or not??????
  22. murfys69law

    Tuff Hunt so far (22)** Hunt update** with a few pics**

    Awesome!!! way to hang in there till the end.
  23. Very nice bull. Congrats to you.
  24. I know this is a hunting web site but if we don't stop this now, there will be NO hunting for our kids and grandkids in just a few years. The facts don't lie and it's happening right now in Europe. https://video-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t43.1792-2/11866617_856924124452850_1649661004_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjE1MDAsInJsYSI6NDA5Nn0%3D&rl=1500&vabr=572&oh=c4d49c8a78b5d4183346bb21ad7b6586&oe=55F1A999