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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    ISO Unwanted old or freezer burned meat.

    That's what I was wondering too.
  2. Wonderful video Jay and some awesome bulls. From someone who has only had the chance to shoot 2 spikes I don't know if I could have the patients to pass some of those. I hope this year I will find out. I have an elk tag in a good area. Thanks again for sharing a great hunt.
  3. murfys69law

    Women's Cartridge

    I think it depends on the rifle too. A good recoil pad can make all the dif. For example. My dad had a rem 20 gauge auto shotgun I hated to soot cuz it kicked like a mule compared to my 12 gauge 870.
  4. murfys69law

    looking for a tree stand

    You are awesome for doing that WHT_MTNMAN.......that's what makes this site so great.
  5. murfys69law

    Can you help me work on my Wood?

    Not an expert but i think a good wood filler putty would do it. It hardens (excuse the expression) and I have used it on other wood projects. It will also hold the stain as well. Don't know if an epoxy will do that. And yes ..my first thought was...stay away from this topic
  6. murfys69law

    Bald Eagle & other photos from my canoe trip

    That flower I tried to look up for ya. It looks like it may be Texas Sage. Go online and type in purple AZ flower..It shows a bunch of em' Good luck
  7. murfys69law


    Exactly what my police friend told me. You have to tell them and then if they do it again they can be cited for trespassing.
  8. murfys69law


    Talked to a cop friend and he said he couldn't look up the number. Against policy. He said the only thing to do is fence or if you catch the guy there again you physically have to tell him never to come back or he will be charged with trespassing as long as you have it posted.. A witness with you would be good too.
  9. murfys69law


    You lost me 300..SHE?..thats a man with a big red mustache and a faggy looking hat and it looks like he has a ponytail as well. think he meant sheD, not SHE ok..that makes sense.. my bad
  10. murfys69law


    You lost me 300..SHE?..thats a man with a big red mustache and a faggy looking hat and it looks like he has a ponytail as well.
  11. murfys69law


    Well...ya got his license #..that should be enough to find the idiot. Maybe a sign that says trespassers will be shot...survivors will be shot again. I feel your pain
  12. murfys69law

    Bald Eagle & other photos from my canoe trip

    Wife and I were at willow springs lake trolling around when we saw 1 sitting on a branch cackling up a storm. Then we heard and saw the mate circling around over head. We watched with such awe as it was so graceful in flight. All of a sudden he swooped down within 20 ft of our boat, extended his talons and scooped up a 2 pound trout and flew off to his mate. They were cackling at each other for a few minutes then flew off. We were so amazed at what just happened and then realized...what idiots we were for not grabbing our camera. Either way we still have the pics in our head I guess. Great photos. TY for sharing
  13. murfys69law

    Rage Hypodermics

    Been so long for me too Rossislider I took my broad-heads and started shaving with them. Too expensive to let rust away.....lark
  14. I have hunted 10 and 5b. Not much of either, as we all know what it takes to get a tag here. I did see some goats in 10 but not alot. Was looking for elk and deer. 5b same thing. Only thing I can tell you is do your "Do Diligence" and scout like mad whichever unit you get. This really can be a "Once in a lifetime hunt" Congrats on the beautiful young lady "Bailey Rose"
  15. Thanks Optic..great video and there are some real studs there.
  16. murfys69law

    Smoked quail

    Glad to see you eat ALL the quail. I hate when people just breast them out and throw away the rest. Looks GREAT!!!
  17. murfys69law

    Muzzleloader Unit 10 bull hunt

    That was a lot to read but some good info. Thanks dave
  18. murfys69law

    Muzzleloader Unit 10 bull hunt

    I have hunted 10 a few times but not on Big Bo. This seems to be where USO and others outfitters seem to go. I have heard many times that hunters have been harassed to the point of calling F&G and even moving their camps because of these idiots. I hope this doesn't happen cuz I know how I am.. I won't put up with this s*&^. I may get bloody and not from an animal. I have as much right as anyone to be there.
  19. murfys69law

    Suggestions on San Diego

    I did this every year for 12 years. Caught massive amounts of Tuna. Big Eye, Blue Fin, Albacore, Yellow Tail and the occasional Dorado. (Dorado are the best eating I think other than Seabass or Grouper) I have cooked it every way you can imagine and it still tastes fishy. Try to find someone at HM or Point Loma that does bottom fishing. The fish are better eating and you can catch some whoppers sometimes. If going just for the thrill, tuna are a real fight. Seaforth does have better parking but they seem to be expensive from my experience. Contact "The Prowler" at Point Loma. Cpt Buzz. He can steer you to some good people.
  20. murfys69law

    Muzzleloader Unit 10 bull hunt

    if ya hadn't run over MY foot it wouldn't be SORE
  21. murfys69law

    WTB "Mr Heater" propane heater

    Found one already..TY
  22. murfys69law

    Wildcats done.

    I would rather watch a hunting or fishing show than basketball......just saying
  23. murfys69law

    Muzzleloader Unit 10 bull hunt

    Is that a selfie?
  24. murfys69law

    Knife for field dressing an elk

    Never used a Havalon or outdoor edge, I hope to this season on an Elk. I have great Benchmade that you can shave with and it's worked for many animals.