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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    IMR 4895????

    Thanks. that's what I thought but just didn't understand why no data.
  2. murfys69law

    let's see some pics of some goat from recent years

    What cal rifle and how long was your shot? That's a nice looking rig and a GREAT buck.
  3. murfys69law

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    Thats total BS. I am not jealous one bit. I think a lot of people here aren't either. The last thing anyone wants to do is wound an animal with a long misplaced shot. At 100+ yrds with a bow there are a lot of variables that come into play versus a rifle. Wind, fps, energy, a bug, twig, etc.. If like I said before. You take that shot and wound one..man up and post that too. Def not jealous tho.
  4. murfys69law

    IMR 4895????

    Thats what I am loading is imr 4350, 7828, 4831, and R19. Trying to get a good consistent load and wanted to try dif powders
  5. murfys69law

    IMR 4895????

    I appreciate your response but what I don't get is why they have that powder data for a 375 H&H in 200 grn all the way to 300 grn. It worked great in my .270. Just gets my head hurting I guess.
  6. murfys69law

    trophy mule deer tag

    You think your head hurts now? Wait till he makes premier status..
  7. murfys69law

    Nosler Accubond Long Range

    I am just starting to do ladder tests. What I have loaded now is....I am still waiting for my scope to come in and I will shoot these loads. These are all from the Nozler book and the powder amount is what they have said is the most accurate for each one. As far as 3200 fps I don't think that's too fast. but fast doesn't always mean accurate. Each gun shoots different. #1. IMR 4350 165 grn Accubond 3.474 COL @ 2970 FPS 69 grns powder #2. IMR 4831 165 grn Accubond 3.474 COL @ 3120 FPS 70 grns powder #3. IMR 7828 165 grn Accubond 3.474 COL @ 3022 FPS 76 grns powder #4. R19 165 grn Accubond 3.474 COL @ 2982 FPS 71 grns powder
  8. murfys69law

    How Rare Is This!!! Never dreamed I'd get one!

    WE NEED PICS OF THE MOUNT JIM!!!!! Awesome Javi!!!
  9. murfys69law

    Browning 22 Buck Mark Pistol

    Nice looking pistol. I had 1 years ago. good luck with sale.
  10. murfys69law

    Sow & Cub?

    Great pics and beautiful bears. 3rd pic kinda says "I'm watching you too!!"
  11. murfys69law

    Mountain Lion

    Beautiful mount. Truly one of the best I have seen. They don't always have to be pissed off growling. KUDOS!!!
  12. murfys69law

    Shed porn from NM

    1st picture. Wow...didn't know they have moose in NM.
  13. murfys69law

    Pre Happy Bday to me

    Happy bday & congrats brother. That little girl is cuter than a speckled puppy sittin' in a red wagon. Lucky man.
  14. murfys69law

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    He shot a great buck from what some may say is a questionable range. They have posted their comments and said what's on their mind. As far as that goes here's my take on it. That's what a forum is about. Peoples opinions. If some think the shot was to far, that's their opinion. If others think it was great, that's their opinion. I myself wouldn't even dream of a shot like that. One thing I will ask is if you do take a shot like that and lose a wounded animal please be man enough to post that as well. Then you will be roasted forever. Don't see that happening tho. JMO
  15. murfys69law


    What an awesome find and great job on filling a Javi tag. Keep up the good work. Oh, Just a note. Good thing the animals you are hunting are colored blind. They would sure see all that pink on the bow if not.
  16. murfys69law

    Ruger Single Six 22 Long Rifle $250 OBO

    I think all involved handled this great. The "good guy bad guy list" is in my mind and that's where it needs to be.
  17. murfys69law

    for sale 2002 Fleetwood Bounder deisel motor home

    Congrats on your sale.
  18. murfys69law

    Ruger Single Six 22 Long Rifle $250 OBO

    And there ya have it. Levers is good guy and FB67 is good guy. Jumping to conclusions can give ya a bad name. NO LIST NEEDED.
  19. murfys69law

    Ruger Single Six 22 Long Rifle $250 OBO

    This is why that list is BS. Maybe "levers" didn't like the shape the gun was in or it wasn't exactly what he wanted. Does that make him "bad" or just cautious about what he is buying. Or does it make FB67 a "bad seller"? There is way to much speculation about it to make a judgment on either person.
  20. murfys69law

    Bible and a Belt

    Unreal. Wonderful song!! I can relate to that as well as many of my friends I grew up with. We all turned out OK and still loved our parents and showed respect by saying "Yes sir and no sir" Kudos to those who had the balls to write a song like that.
  21. murfys69law

    Ruger Single Six 22 Long Rifle $250 OBO

    What happened Ghost? Did you change your mind? What happened ghost? Did you change your mind?
  22. murfys69law

    Unit 6A Archery Bull Tag

    You should partner up with "naturegirl". She has that tag and you can help protect her from her ex if they cross paths.
  23. murfys69law

    SCI 5th biggest archery desert mule deer

    What unit was that MONSTER taken in if you don't mind sharing?
  24. murfys69law

    Good Guy Seller List

    ^^^Agree. I think we are all adults here with a few exceptions. If someone has a bad deal, that is verified, then let Amanda (or lance i guess) know and she should handle it however she see's fit. It all goes back to the old saying, "Buyer Beware".There are probably people here that could sell a Yeti Ice chest to a Eskimo. That doesn't mean they are good or bad. Just a good salesman.
  25. murfys69law

    What is next for the Prez?

    CHICAGO???????????? I don't even think HE knows where he is from. I think he crawled out from under a rock, some idiots felt sorry for him and made him prez. BIG MISTAKE!!!!