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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    free hound pups

    Did you hunt the parents?
  2. murfys69law

    Nosler Accubond Long Range

    I assume you mean IMR 4350. You will find that it make take several different loads, powder brands and powder amounts to get a group you want. You have a starting group now to go with. Are you using new brass and mag primers? Are you full length sizing? Trimming cases? make every round as identical as you can except your powder amounts and powder choices. I found that even seating depth on primes as well as bullet seating depth can effect your groups.
  3. murfys69law

    My bobcat is all finished up!

    What a great mount. Love the action pose. Kudos and congrats.
  4. Agree with .270. you can shoot a paper target and see where most of the shot is hitting at a certain yardage but the next shot will be totally different to a point. Pellets are gonna fly how they fly.
  5. murfys69law

    Nosler Accubond Long Range

    As I stated above. The best loads for accubonds in 165 grn bullet according to the Nozler specs are what I loaded. IMR 4350 @ 2970fps is the lowest amount at 69 grns. With IMR 7828 @ 76 grns @3022fps the largest amount. I am not sure if these will do good in my rifle but it is a starting point for me. Your scale showing a 68.5 grain weight of powder may be IMR 4350 or even 4831. It's real close to what the book is calling for the best load but again, that is for a 165 grn bullet. Like lance stated I don't get the 159.9 weight on that bullet either. I would check my scale and reweigh the bullet or try another scale. No way to contact your friend and ask him what he loaded?
  6. murfys69law

    Need a taxidermist for my Goulds!

    Great pics. You look pretty happy and I would be too! Congrats on a fine haul of gobblers.
  7. murfys69law

    Antelope unit 19A or 9

    Agree with the 2 above 19a
  8. murfys69law

    let's see some pics of some goat from recent years

    Nice goats. Congrats to you and your son.
  9. Claustrophobic? Looks like a nylon coffin. Not a fan. JMO
  10. murfys69law

    Nosler Accubond Long Range

    True that. That is a ballistic tip. The tubular powder is hard to tell as 4831, 4350 have the same size approx. That tip on the bullet looks smashed as well. What happened to it?
  11. murfys69law

    2015 Elk SHow

    Great pics Johnny. The weather sure is a big change from last year and look at the growth on them.
  12. murfys69law


    Nice bass. What were you using? Cranks, Spinners, Drop shot?
  13. God bless Jared, you and your whole family. Like I said a while back Mike. Jared will beat this thing and we will have a good get together and laugh and tell huntin' stories and throw hoghntr in the pool and laugh some more.
  14. murfys69law

    IMR 4895????

    Can anyone share any data you have on reloading with IMR 4895? I have used this in my .270 for a 130 - 150 grain bullet and was going to try some for my 300 win mag but I can't find data for that caliber over 150 grain bullet. Is there a reason? Is that powder not good for mag calibers with heavier bullets? The research I did said it is one of the most versatile powders used in military apps for 30-06. 17 rem to 243 all the way up to 375 H&H mag. Nothing for the 300 mag in a heavier than 150 bullet. Thanks.
  15. murfys69law

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    ThomC, Are you an AZ native?
  16. murfys69law

    My 2015 archery coues takin at 110yrds

    I for one was not trying to downplay your abilities or criticize the shot you made. I just know that I wouldn't take that shot and I think a lot of others here feel the same. Very true about the new equipment that's out. If that's is your comfort zone to shoot that far then let your clutch out and do it.
  17. murfys69law

    Memorial Weekend, Which Rim Lake?

    All you are going to do is see people. This is amateur weekend and every tom, dick and harry will be up north at the lakes, rivers and streams. Good luck. Bear canyon is a better lake to answer you ? imo
  18. murfys69law

    new truck help

    Here ya go then
  19. murfys69law

    new truck help

    YOU ARE GONNA HEAR 20 DIFFERENT OPINIONS ON THIS. I have had good with both Ford and Dodge. And I have had some real lemons with both as well.
  20. murfys69law

    new truck help

    Dodge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PETERBUILT!!!!!!!!!!
  21. murfys69law

    What is next for the Prez?

    What were they doing in Gilbert?
  22. murfys69law

    Point Hunter App

    Never used it but I will. I already have an elk tag for unit 10. Unless BOB kills em' all before I get there in Nov.
  23. That is truly some beautiful country and 1 happy turkey hunter. Congrats to Paul
  24. murfys69law

    Good Guy Buyer List

  25. murfys69law

    IMR 4895????

    That makes sense. I have 4 other loads I am going to try with dif. powders if I EVER GET MY DANG SCOPE!!!!