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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    Totally agree with ya" Before the government does this to em'
  2. murfys69law

    Buck Norris hit and killed by car

    Bummer.. What a great deer and if his offspring are around what a great legacy. RIP you toad.
  3. murfys69law

    Reloder 22 SOLD

    I have heard that you should never combine powder. I am talking about the same brand and type. Ever hear this or have you done this before? Just curious.
  4. murfys69law

    Recommendations for .308 rounds?

    I don't understand. Are you saying you like .270's. .270?
  5. murfys69law

    Muzzy Elk in Colorado

    Don't own a muzzle loader but I did want to say about the comment on shooting the first bull you see. I have hunted Colo. since 85 and thats total bull crap about not having good bulls there. Glass and be patient. There are some great elk there it just takes time and finding them. Good luck.
  6. murfys69law

    Guess the score

    Could be. Might be where he dropped and rolled down a hill and broke it.
  7. murfys69law

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    You are correct sir 5guys. And some instances you have to register as well.
  8. murfys69law

    WTS Original Redfiled Accutrac

    I have a tried and true 3x9 Redfield accutrac with built in range finder and BDC turrets. This is NOT the Accurange. This scope was mounted on my 300 mag Browning A-bolt since 1986. I have shot 3 elk and 4 deer with it at yards from 200 to 450. It is in great shape with just a few marks. Glass is still clear and bright. I took this out 1 month ago and it still holds zero perfect from 200 yrds to 600 yrds using the Accu-trac system. I have the 4 interchangeable turrets A, B, C, D, that work for a variety of different rifles and bullet combinations. See the link below to see how to use it. I just bought a Vortex with more magnification cuz my old eyes are getting kinda bad. This scope has never failed me. Asking $200.00 OBO Thanks, Dan http://abousainc.com/ATsystem.htm
  9. murfys69law

    WTS Original Redfiled Accutrac

    Gone!!!! Please delete this add Amanda. TY
  10. murfys69law


    This is your year TRKHNTR. Make sure you rub a shiny penny, heads up of course, on your app before sending it in.....IT"S GOOD LUCK!!
  11. murfys69law

    Are you a Democrat, Republican, or a Redneck

    If it gives us rednecks a bad name then them thar terorist bes watch wut thay do in sta the hel away from roun here.
  12. murfys69law

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I have a mixed box of 16 gauge shot shell high base. #4, #6 shot. Don't even own a 16 gauge. Yours if someone wants them. 35the ave and greenway.
  13. murfys69law

    WTS Original Redfiled Accutrac

    I am. Was gonna try to help one of the brothers here first. I know I will get $200 for it on BP easy. This would be a great scope for a young up and coming hunter. Oh well. Thanks for looking tho.
  14. murfys69law


    Great looking rig. Why you selling it?
  15. murfys69law

    WTS Original Redfiled Accutrac

    going three times.....??????
  16. murfys69law

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    That's a toad of a striper!!!
  17. murfys69law


    OMG!!!! now that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.... wish I could agree with you but I don't see the humor if you read my last post you will understand. Feel for ya brother. I have never put in for it but I know it took me 24 years for a antelope tag. I will NEVER see a sheep tag.
  18. murfys69law


    OMG!!!! now that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time....
  19. murfys69law

    Help me Clarify UTV Laws her in AZ

    Brenda Harley from Toleson, my stepsister riding a bike (mc) when she was 23 years old went down a hill, lost control and wrecked hitting her head on a rock. Vegetable the rest of her life. Helmet would have saved her and our family from all the Dr. bills, traumatic ups and downs and her life would have been great.
  20. murfys69law

    Help me Clarify UTV Laws her in AZ

    Even if the Gov. isn't telling you what to do, don't YOU think it's a good idea for a child to wear a helmet?
  21. murfys69law

    Guess the score

    8 year old 180+
  22. murfys69law

    WON Havasu Striper Derby

    Great looking fish!!! Congrats.
  23. murfys69law

    Felons can now sell or give away their guns?

    So basically your saying if it doesn't hurt anyone other than the tree and your truck, then breaking the law is OK. Reaching for your beer while driving down the road on your week long hunting trip and crash into a tree shouldn't be a felony? Just a stupid mistake? Wrong. I don't want this idiot hunting the same area as me or ANY of my friends! Guns and booze don't mix. Wait til you get back to camp, turn your 2000 deadly weapon off and drink your beer there. How's that scenario.
  24. Hang in there Jared...You got this chit whooped. Thoughts and prayers buddy.