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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. Teachers were given permission to carry guns because of attacks on their school and even went through a training class. Evidently this teacher was ABSENT on "Check to see if weapon is unloaded" day. Unreal. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pakistani-teacher-accidentally-shoots-pupil-dead/ar-BBkXerS
  2. murfys69law

    150# Mtn Lion kills 220# Buck

    Great footage and this is why Mountain lion tags are vital to keep our deer population healthy. https://youtu.be/1CLqJCGNCjo
  3. murfys69law

    350+ in training

    Nice pics. Great bull!!!
  4. Kids think different than adults. Use your knowledge of your own children to find a way to make it fun without them realizing what you are doing. Maybe try a little reverse psychology. Either way it's up to you to show them that it IS fun to go to the class and what the reward is for doing it. THEY GET TO GO HUNTING!.
  5. murfys69law

    Atv mechanic in n phx

    Forgot about them.. They are great guys there.
  6. murfys69law

    Atv mechanic in n phx

    Not trying to bust your bubble but with the internet telling us everything we need I would suggest looking up what is wrong or going to be wrong with it and try to fix it yourself. I just fixed a dishwasher from a video I saw on the net and it was easy as pie. Just saying. To answer your ? tho I really don't know of one in NW valley other than Motorsports and they usually rip ya off.
  7. This is without a doubt true art. The person that did this has a huge eye for detail. https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11430152_980656148652504_2914885406441208813_n.jpg?oh=e562ca4e742b2b0002ef5e3c57995d3f&oe=562FD646
  8. murfys69law

    elk scouting

    Use to cook in a dutch oven all the time. I make a mean cherry cobbler in one. Looks good MPH
  9. Try this coach. https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11430152_980656148652504_2914885406441208813_n.jpg?oh=e562ca4e742b2b0002ef5e3c57995d3f&oe=562FD646
  10. murfys69law

    New generation on the way

    That's awesome. Mom looks to be keeping a good eye out.
  11. Definitely YES. I did it twice. Once with my son and once to be able to go to Colorado to hunt. I got lucky cuz the guy teaching the class was a personal friend of mine and I didn't even know he taught it. One thing I remember and always will from the class is if you're ever lost just remember the word, "STOP" S it down. T hink about your situation. O bserve your surroundings. P lan how to get your self out. Kids can learn from this one thing if nothing else.
  12. murfys69law

    lion kills a wolf on video

    Well he definitely picked the wrong kitty cat to mess with.
  13. murfys69law

    SOLD~Ruger Red Label o/u 20 gauge

    Shoot the Eurasians. They are bigger, no limit, and just as tasty as white wings. Wish I could but nobody has invited me to their farm hotspot! not many eurasians outside farmland or neighborhoods. A friend of mine married into a cotton farm down in Eloy and we used to slaughter the doves. You couldn't load your gun fast enough. Then the idiot got divorced and I lost My hotspot. Let me know if you find one. Love to pop me some birds.
  14. murfys69law

    SOLD~Ruger Red Label o/u 20 gauge

    Shoot the Eurasians. They are bigger, no limit, and just as tasty as white wings.
  15. murfys69law

    Good Luck w/ PIC!!!!

    Must be a tough ole boy.
  16. murfys69law

    Desert Bighorn Sheep Skull

    Maybe they died before they got a chance to have something done with it. Shame either way. Nice looking tho.
  17. murfys69law

    Colorado high country

    Last time I went to Col. to hunt which has been a while, if you were born before Nov of 49 you didn't need one. Don't know if it changed but that's how it used to be.
  18. murfys69law

    Good Luck w/ PIC!!!!

    Nice ram. What happened to his left side? It's all flat on top.
  19. murfys69law

    Fishing shirt with SPF

    Ever been to Cameron LA? Nope, the furthest west I've been was Cocodrie. I spend most of my time on the water between Cut Off and Grand Isle. Ok. Been there. Cameron is about 45 miles south of Lake Charles kinda SW LA. Up the intercoastal waterway the goes thru Cameron is some great Redfishing.
  20. murfys69law

    Fishing shirt with SPF

    Ever been to Cameron LA?
  21. murfys69law

    state farm commercial

    It's unreal!!! Lauren Hill was a young lady dealing with brain cancer and passes away in April. The foundation that was being supported to help find a cure for cancer is outraged this young lady was passed over for the Arthur Ashe award for courage for some F@G that gets his johnson whacked off and becomes a THING and then the media build IT up to be a hero. The foundation that was behind Lauren is now making t-shirts to sell and giving 50% of the proceeds to help find a cure for cancer. Wonder what this THING is doing for society? Donating a used shriveled up set of balls.
  22. murfys69law

    Prices just go up

    If you get the combo deal with large coke and biggy popcorn it's only $49.50.. Better deal.
  23. murfys69law

    Prices just go up

    Another way to look at it, the permit went up 100% from 1912-1950, about 3% per year.From 1950 to today, the tag (and we're just talking a tag, here) has gone up nearly 4,000% in the last 65 years while the value of the dollar is only worth a fraction of what it was in 1950. Heck of a deal Yeah, I'll keep hunting. But I won't keep quiet. Totally agree. I was making a point on how the prices changed NOT including the tag.
  24. murfys69law

    Prices just go up

    $1.00 in 1950. $37.00 in 2015 do the mathif its a junior tag and your still a buck low If you read it says HUNTING LICENSE right by his name. The tag is included. I'm just saying the license has only gone up $36.00. The tag however is now another fee.
  25. murfys69law

    Prices just go up

    $1.00 in 1950. $37.00 in 2015 do the math