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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    What type of brush is this?

    Buy a bag of rock salt and mix it with water and soak the chit out of it for a week. I have done this and it worked on a bougainvillea. Cheap fix for me.
  2. murfys69law

    What type of brush is this?

    ^^^^^^What he said.
  3. murfys69law


    Whats wrong with this picture other than this is one of the most hideous faces I have ever seen? The fact that it says "Honorable" I CALL BS!!!!! If this is an honorable person I will kiss your azz and give you an hour to draw a crowd.
  4. murfys69law

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    No offense but my Rhino is looking better all the time. Rebuild carb would be my suggestion
  5. murfys69law

    Horse drawn doctors buggy

    Thanks anyway.
  6. murfys69law

    6 male hound pups walker/bluetick/plott cross $100

    Love the look of that brindle. Great looking pups. Wife said NO more. I have 3 already. Good luck on sale.
  7. murfys69law


    Who should we vote for? Is there someone that doesn't have a 1000 skeletons in his/her closet on either side? That's the problem. Career politicians, Republicans and Dems alike that have figured out how to rip off the American people, lie about everything they do and say and get away with. They are not held accountable for their actions. We need someone with balls in there. They ALL need to go and now. It will get worse before it gets better if we don't do something and quick.
  8. murfys69law

    Good day

    Nice finds. Congrats!
  9. murfys69law

    Horse drawn doctors buggy

    Quick ? MPH. I have a friend looking for a paint horse. Must be black and white in color, 6 yrs or older and basically made all around. Sex doesn't matter. Let me know if you know of anything. Thanks
  10. Our PD have been out gunned many times by these gangs and cartels. They need to keep up with the enemy and make sure our police can defend themselves against this kinda of crap.
  11. murfys69law

    Antelope score

    78 5/8ths
  12. murfys69law

    Camping Tent

    Bought one at Cabelas in the bargain cave brand new in the box. Kodiak 10x14 for $425 out the door. I got lucky I think. Great tent with lots of room and handles rain excellent.
  13. murfys69law

    Guess the Species

  14. My mom years ago and being from Louisiana used to make a dove jambalaya with rice and spices, onion. It was awesome.
  15. murfys69law

    Last Fall

    Nice deer. Get em if you can. Good luck.
  16. Dove breast wrapped in bacon with a slice of green chile on it and grilled. Can't beat it.
  17. murfys69law

    AZ drivers....

    Talking to my friend last night reminiscing about old times. He told me he went to Texas in79' for a job and blew up his engine in the middle of nowhere. I asked him what he did and he said, " I hitchhiked to the nearest town and got a guy to take me back with a wrecker to bring my truck in. Ahhhh...the good ole days before cell phones.
  18. murfys69law

    AZ drivers....

    It means loser, idiot, smartazz. butthead, just a slang term. I would rather use the good ole reliable......."Your a f-ing azzhole" myself.
  19. murfys69law

    Ground Elk Recipes

    You can get this here locally at cabela's or sportsmans or on the internet. This is the link on how to make your own summer sausage, bologna, breakfast sausage, using any game meat and a package of "SpicenSlice seasoning mix" It is one of the best and easiest products I have ever used. If you don't like this there is something seriously wrong with your taste-buds. http://www.spicenslice.com/products.php
  20. murfys69law

    Custom built LH cari-bow

    Took me 6 years before I got my big one. The more you go the better the odds are in your favor.
  21. murfys69law

    What units did you apply for?

    Is that the ram you got in your pic?
  22. murfys69law

    I actually drew a rifle deer tag!

    Congrats. Will that be a blacktail hunt?
  23. murfys69law

    Youth bull in Eastmans

    You can tell by the smile that's one happy hunter. Congrats
  24. murfys69law

    AZ drivers....

    Even the cops are bad. I can't tell you how many times I have seen cops turning and NEVER use a signal. No lights, sirens, just turn and expect you to know what they are doing. Lead by example I say. Not trying to bag on the cops as we all know AZ has a lot of bad drivers.