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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    Just another statistic, kid

    Was it ground level? I see a lot of guys putting them higher. I know I know. If they want it they will get it but make it as hard as possible. Sorry to hear that happened to ya. Karma's a bich. Maybe their butt cheeks will grow together and they blow up.
  2. murfys69law

    rocky mtn sheep and bonus points ?

    Did you get one? If so can we see a pic? Thanks and congrats.
  3. murfys69law

    no need for sheep

    Gay pride fest in Seattle where 2 Christian Preachers protesting by using their 1st amendment right of freedom of speech, were beaten up and kicked repeatedly for what they believe in. This to me shows just how peaceful the gays can be when someone tries to state their point of view as they have done before.. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/christian-preachers-brutally-beaten-at-gay-pride-festival.html
  4. murfys69law

    what chainsaw to buy

    Just researched this for a month. I checked out every review on every brand. Consumer reports. EVERYTHING I could to find the best one that will last the longest. Bought a Stihl on Fri. 7-3-15. I got the 16" bar and a 2 year warranty. As stated above. Maintenance is the key.
  5. murfys69law


    Just amazing. Great job!!!
  6. murfys69law

    This is so true!!

    Yes, Yes you can. It's just not enforced like it's supposed to be. Confusing isn't it? This is what actually happens tho.
  7. murfys69law

    Looking Good in Velvet

    OK Bob. You can have the first one but I get the second one.
  8. murfys69law

    a few pics

    Those are great Charlie. A couple of them are def. shooters.
  9. murfys69law

    Looking Good in Velvet

    Great pics and some dam nice bulls when they finish.
  10. murfys69law

    This is so true!!

    You are right about that Beardown. This is almost to the point that there is no coming back from this PC crap, gun control, illegal immigration, and the other 200+ items this government has gotten us into.
  11. murfys69law

    They are growing

    Awesome pics. There are some nice bulls in there. Hope ya get one this year.
  12. murfys69law

    2015 Elk SHow

    Great looking bulls. They are not hurting for food that's for sure Thanks for sharing.
  13. murfys69law

    2014 Buck is on the wall.

    Great looking mount and beautiful buck. Congrats
  14. murfys69law

    Ole puppy dog died today.

    So sorry to hear about your loss Bob.
  15. murfys69law

    How far is too far of a shot?

    I totally agree. The point you make about being true to yourself is a must. No one will be able to do that for anyone else.
  16. murfys69law

    WTS Gun/scope

    Out of work, out of money and need to sell these asap. Browning Medallion 12 gauge bottom eject. 3" shells. Left or right hand. $400 5 Star Red-field accu-trac 3x9 with built in range finder and BDC turrets. $150 Model 62-A Winchester pump 22 S,L,LR $450 OBO I can send more pics if needed. PM please
  17. murfys69law

    WTS Gun/scope

    Browning shotgun sold. Thanks quagmire. Nice to meet you and enjoy your new gun.
  18. murfys69law

    Huge deer on this FB site.

    Check out this site. They have some huge deer here. https://www.facebook.com/CrazyBoneHunting
  19. murfys69law

    Huge deer on this FB site.

    Well. I'm no spring chicken and have hunted for 45 years. I guess I didn't realize how much of this chit goes on until I get on the net or a site like this and see it. You really don't see much of this on the news so one has to do a little research sometimes I guess. Thanks for the info.
  20. murfys69law

    How terrible "Pregnant mule deer poached, twins found dead"

    With these idiots does that mean just the tenderloin and backstraps?
  21. murfys69law

    Patient #2

    Here's a question. You shoot an animal at last light. You find good blood but the trail goes for a ways and it gets dark quick. You decide to back out and go again the next morning. Day breaks and you go find the animal was just 300 yards from where you shot it and had died within minutes of being shot. There is nothing left but hair and horns. Could G&F cite you for wasting game meat because you didn't try to find it? Or the decision of backing out because of predators scared you and you didn't want to take a chance of becoming bear or lion poop be a reason to get cited?
  22. murfys69law

    Huge deer on this FB site.

    Sorry I didn't realize just how bad these farms raising these deer had gotten until I read your article rossislider. Seems like this is just a money oriented type thing with the deer being the ones that suffer. What a shame they can't grow like this in the wild without humans f-ing it up with steroids and such.
  23. murfys69law

    How terrible "Pregnant mule deer poached, twins found dead"

    Totally different scenarios! Those wolves could generate hundreds of dollars in eco tourism over the next 20 years. that's like 2 cents a day!! Hmmm? Feed a starving pigmy in New Guinea or visit wolves.... Think I'll buy the expensive coffee! Sucks about the doe though. Hope they atleast ate the meat and dumped the carcass? Doesn't sound that way. Don't see the relevance of starving Pigmies and wolves. I could really care less what the pigmies have to eat when we aren't taking care of our own people here at home.
  24. murfys69law

    Huge deer on this FB site.

    I agree but good gosh these have some monster racks on em'.
  25. murfys69law


    They do say that if you eat a lot of garlic it does help keep some bugs away as you sweat it out. They don't like the smell or flavor of ya I guess. Kinda like like my horses. I would give them apple cider vinegar mixed in rolled oats and during the summer they had a lot less flies bothering them.