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Everything posted by murfys69law

  1. murfys69law

    Iran Deal

    I love this guy. He really speaks the truth. I saw him on a talk show a week ago. Smart man.
  2. murfys69law

    Diamondback vs viper

    I have the 6x24 and I love it. 400 yrd shot with the viper would be no problem. You also have the ability to go way out after that. the 16 power won't do it. jmo
  3. murfys69law

    Iran Deal

    I have a brother who is a retired Full Bird Army Col. We talk a lot about what's happening. He helped teach battle commands to Israeli elite guards and many other of our allies and has been in every conflict since Operation Desert Storm. He is one of the smartest military people I know and he has told me this is without a doubt the worst deal our gooberment could propose. Having kerry go for the USA and negotiate a deal like this is like letting the fox guard the hen house. If we had a true American for a president instead of some castrated muslim sissy, we would not be in this problem as well as the other hundreds he has put this country in. Donald Trump, like him or not, has brought something to the table when he says that we need to make this country great again, secure our borders, and have a no BS attitude with these terrorists. We won't do this with Killary, Sanders, Chaffee, or any of these career politicians. I say D. Trump 2016. It dam sure can't be worse than what we have now. A muslim sissy that thinks only of his self, hates America, and won't stand up for his military.
  4. murfys69law

    Hopefully not your cam!

    I have a unit 10 bull tag and I bet some of you don't. Carry on....
  5. murfys69law


    +++++^^^^^^^^ Do what ever you want and say what ever you want Sir. They are your pics.
  6. murfys69law

    Just how tough are Elk?

    I was in Strawberry/Pine AZ this weekend with some good friends. We decided to go for a rhino ride in the hills just out of Pine. We hadn't left the cabin 5 minutes and see a heard of elk, 2 small bulls and about 8 cows with 2-3 calves. I didn't have my camera so you all will have to take my word for this. We were right in town when we saw these elk. They were crossing the road from the woods and going into someones front yard. I noticed 1 cow that looked really nervous. We got closer and then I realized what was wrong. She had a calf with her that still had spots on it. Very young but was getting around find. What I saw then was just heartbreaking. The cow had her tongue literally hanging out of her mouth. I noticed she was very healthy tho but I couldn't see why her tongue was hanging out. Finally she turned the other way and we could see her jaw was broken and sticking straight out the other side. She was very concerned with her baby and the other cows were getting kinda spooky so they turned and went back into the wooded area on the other side of the road. Just then another guy and his son came riding up in a sand rail and they had been watching them as well. I asked him if he saw the cow with the broken jaw and he replied, "Yeah, I saw her yesterday and I was talking to my neighbor about it and he said she has been that way for a couple years". This cow was getting by OK and still having babies. I was totally shocked but happy she was surviving and making a living with this tremendous injury. Animals are truly amazing sometimes and they are definitely tough.
  7. murfys69law

    You be stoopid

    I just love his cat like reflexes. I have seen molasses on a cold day move faster than this guy.
  8. murfys69law

    A few pics, no monsters

    Great pics. thanks.
  9. murfys69law


    Nice pics buddy.
  10. 270 is a fine round for WT or Mulies. I have shot many of both with it . I now have a 270 wsm and love it more than the 270 standard. jmo
  11. murfys69law


    Do you eat out of that mouth? Disgusting.
  12. murfys69law

    Found dog

    Dam shame if someone dumped her. She's a great looking dog.
  13. murfys69law

    Getting bigger

    Furry sob aint he.
  14. murfys69law

    Is this a big Bear?

    Good way to judge is the spread between his ears. Not much spread but he is healthy.
  15. murfys69law

    Pillowcase=Game bag

    Murph is calling me names now. That is a bit hypocritical after your rant the other day. I've attached a link with the definition of that one since I know it's over 2 syllables. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hypocritical I never even mentioned your name cupcake. But if you the shoe fits , wear it princess. HAHAHAHA
  16. murfys69law

    Pillowcase=Game bag

    Pillow cases are great. Don't worry about them being used. Just wash them good and you won't have to be a sissy about who's head was on them.
  17. murfys69law

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Do whatever blows your skirt up.
  18. murfys69law

    Hula Girl

    I'm so happy for ya Amanda. I use to raise hulas. The last one I had was named Gator from Louisiana and he weighed about 100 pounds. Great hunting and watch dogs.
  19. murfys69law

    '04 dodge ram 1500 4x4

    Are you the original owner?
  20. murfys69law

    For all those lucky tag holders

    This was a great video and congrats to the young man for making a very humane shot. I did notice tho that on the dining room table when they were cutting the birthday cake there was a bottle of "Makers Mark" That's my kinda' camp..
  21. murfys69law

    WHERE AM I???? I will join the fun

    At a kindergarten school with a bag of candy???
  22. murfys69law

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Next we are gonna have to make sure that there is a rainbow flag after a name.
  23. murfys69law

    Just how tough are Elk?

    I would like to see that if you still have them. Thanks
  24. murfys69law

    THEFT, yes THEFT!

    jmall, I see your point you are trying to make, but these azzholes would have to have a conscience or morals to feel bad looking in a mirror. They see nothing and feel nothing. Dam shame too.
  25. murfys69law

    Unit 21

    I agree with you all that say there are still good areas in 21. We have to remember, 21 is a good sized unit and the fire didn't destroy all of it. I was just referring to the areas I hunted since 84.