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Everything posted by Flingingarrowsbro

  1. Flingingarrowsbro

    Question about "Premier Member"

    So you're saying if I pay you $70, you will post 1000 posts for me? sounds like a good deal
  2. Flingingarrowsbro

    Question about "Premier Member"

  3. Flingingarrowsbro

    Question about "Premier Member"

  4. Flingingarrowsbro

    Question about "Premier Member"

  5. Flingingarrowsbro

    Question about "Premier Member"

    This is easier than catching bluegill at Patagonia. already got two premier members to reply. thanks fellas!!
  6. Flingingarrowsbro

    Rage 3 Blade Broadheads for Sale

    Do these broad heads suck this bad??? $40 for 6??? 3 blade rage xtreme 100 gr
  7. Flingingarrowsbro

    Results by phone

    Thank you very much everyone !!
  8. Flingingarrowsbro

    Results by phone

    What hunt is 03143?
  9. Flingingarrowsbro

    Results available

    And when I say byproduct I pretty much mean by accident
  10. Flingingarrowsbro

    Results available

    both sides are right in their own respects, genetics has a huge influence, so does habitat and environmental conditions. Now to say g&f is responsible for creating trophy animals, that's also partially correct. they haven't issued an insane amount of tags for units, which would definitely hurt the trophy aspect, and they definitely haven't had super conservative amount of tags that would surely help with trophy animals produced. You need to look at what the g&f goals are, which are two: have the healthiest wildlife population possible to ensure hunting for future generations and have the most opportunities (tags=money) for success possible. G&F doesn't give 2 cents about managing for trophy animals. They manage for a healthy population that will continue to make them money. Trophy animals are a byproduct of having a healthy population.
  11. Flingingarrowsbro

    Rage Hypodermics

    Absolutely against using mechanical heads for elk..... but have been hearing a few good things about this BH. Has anyone used this for elk and if so what were the pro's, con's and would you use it again. Currently going to be using a slick trick but was curiosity is gaining for the hypodermic
  12. Flingingarrowsbro

    End of the line, Trapping season 2014/15

    Great looking cats btw
  13. Flingingarrowsbro

    End of the line, Trapping season 2014/15

    Send pelts to Canada, get double what U would from globe
  14. Flingingarrowsbro

    Rage Hypodermics

    Some great experiences with the new hypodermic! I'm slowly being swayed to use it. Only two worries now, how does it perform on quartering shots and has anyone had a blade deploy early because of a tiny twig or a piece of brush that caught a blade mid-flight ?
  15. Flingingarrowsbro

    Monday Hits only thread.

    I drew an 27 early bull archery with my dad. im headed out after easter to start scouting Try to take out some extra large coyotes on those scouting trips. SSS!!!
  16. Flingingarrowsbro

    Monday Hits only thread.

    I drew an 27 early bull archery with my dad. im headed out after easter to start scouting
  17. Flingingarrowsbro

    Custom built heavy duty camp trailer

    Wish I hadnt just bought a travel trailer. That thing is pretty cool!
  18. Flingingarrowsbro

    looking to learn from a successful predator hunter

    I dont know how many of you do this, but i have had resounding success with a certain method. When a yote gets hung up , however far out that may be, i always lip squeak, pretty much a high pitch kissing noise made by puckering your lips and sucking in a touch of air. 9 out of 10 times makes the predator come in on a line. Also a great way to let your partner know you have a yote coming in and to be still
  19. Flingingarrowsbro


    Exactly... who would argue this point and why? Who would argue this point? Any and every private landowner who has an ounce of common sense, thats who. You ask why? Because the government should never tell you who can and cannot be on your private land, period. And to think if hunters were allowed access to public land through private, what makes you think they will not hunt, litter or camp on private? even if it is on accident? You open private to allow acces to public land you are essentially opening your private to hunting as well. I wouldnt expect you folks out there to understand this if you have never owned any amount of private land that is adjacent to hunting areas. Maybe work harder so you can own your own private or make good relationships with landowners to gain trust to hunt their land and maybe even (Oh My) learn to hike and not be road hunters
  20. Flingingarrowsbro


    Sounds right 208muley. What they are trying to accomplish only hurts themselves and hunters
  21. Flingingarrowsbro


    It will hurt some landowners who own ranches and sell exclusive hunting rights. But they are more likey to comply anyways. I see more harm done than good
  22. Flingingarrowsbro


    In the end who does this hurt most? Hunters. Who does it hurt second? AZGFD , why? Let's say theoretically majority of landowners don't profit from letting hunters or outfitters hunt their land ( which is more realistic than theoretical) and deny LEO access. AZGFD then in turn denies hunting in these areas. Tags in each unit is drastically reduced and AZGFD loses a ton of revenue generated each year. Landowners no longer have to worry about hunters on their land or trespass issues and G&F will now help them enforce what they wanted in the first place
  23. Flingingarrowsbro


    So a landowner should be able to block the public and government from thousands of acres public lands. I guess they are now... I disagree, Strong arm the ranchers for what? access to public land? If all that happens is that they close those portions locked by ranchers to hunting its a good thing. you know they could close all of the ranches to hunting too.... Maybe the animals will get bigger, one might wander out of locked up and closed to hunting public land, wander through private land and I might get it. Unless its herded back by a helicopter. normal hunters if we get drawn are screwed
  24. Flingingarrowsbro


    I suggest if G&F want private landowners to allow access to public land, they should pay the private landowners more. I only say this because formerly being an employee of Arizona State Land Department I have seen what ASLD charges to allow access through right-of-ways, and in some cases its MILLIONS. I believe private landowners shouldn't be made to allow access soley for wildlife management , whether it's hunter or LEO access. If G&F wants to close public land that is landlocked, let them. Those areas will probably get hunted anyway since there is no fear of being caught (since LEO has no access). Seems like G&F is trying to strong arm ranchers, good luck , those are the most stubborn people you will meet.
  25. Flingingarrowsbro

    2006 Ford F150 4X4 For Sale - 78K Miles

    Bump for a nice person