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About NeckRoast

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  • Birthday 10/13/1996

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  • Interests
    Archery hunting, Glassing, Shed hunting

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  1. Put in for multiple units. It forces you to look elsewhere. Coues deer are everywhere now. I force myself to hunt them in different habitats. Oaks, mesquites, creosote. Makes it a lot of fun. Learning what coues deer eat has helped me a lot too. Some years the browse of a certain type is poor so they will move just a bit.
  2. NeckRoast

    When will results posted on portal accounts

    I was double charged and can confirm they did have to refund people. My parties tags were still issued.
  3. NeckRoast

    How long until cards are hit??

    I’ll pay the double charge if I get two tags.
  4. NeckRoast

    How long until cards are hit??

    I’ve got my original hit and the same hit tonight.
  5. NeckRoast

    How long until cards are hit??

    The real question is will they restart the draw, and refund those people already hit?
  6. NeckRoast

    How long until cards are hit??

    On a positive note everyone in every western state has these gripes. All the big ones are gone, there are no tags anymore, too many hunters in the field. With all the negative. The hunting still seems great to me when I get tags. Makes drawing a tag special and I make sure to get the most of everyone I get. Look at the hunter statistics of days spent in the field. I’d say 5-10% of tags never see a person step foot in the unit. That’s my only complaint. With turn in opportunities every tag should be in someone’s pocket with their feet on the ground in that unit for as many days as possible. Do the tag and folks who didn’t draw justice.
  7. NeckRoast

    How long until cards are hit??

    I got my hit 30 minutes ago. It’s definitely not over.
  8. NeckRoast

    Draw results

    Results are posted for me.
  9. NeckRoast

    What is this?

    Dinosaur eggs
  10. NeckRoast

    2019 growth

    In my zone it looks like the bucks are behind in growth of what they were doing last year. Picture is from July 27th
  11. NeckRoast


    Don’t look now but goldy has hit home runs in 5 straight. The diamondbacks gave him up for almost nothing. It’s unbelievable. Walker has played well but he is not goldy.
  12. NeckRoast

    Unit 36c

    All roads into this unit come off highway 286 and head west into the babos. Drive back until you can hike up into some elevation and glass. You’ll find deer. If you’re looking for something big at that time of year find a thick thick thick hill and stare at it the whole hunt. You’d be amazed what some of those hills can hide.
  13. NeckRoast

    Any shed action yet?

    Found these today. Had one coues buck on camera that had dropped 3/31. Seemed really early saw one buck today with one side still on.
  14. NeckRoast

    Any shed action yet?

    Got a few pictures of small wt bucks that had dropped one side.
  15. NeckRoast

    Hunting Report ?

    I was out today and the rut was still going strong near the border. I was in 33 on saturday and saw more solo does in there but bucks were cruising necks were still ultra swole and noses on the ground.